Best YouTube channel to follow

I like this guy, usually playing very minimal techno, occasional gear review in Korean with no subs, can’t understand shit but it doesn’t bother me, I still watch it :slight_smile:


Ah nice recommendation. The colour of his videos is great too!

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Has Cyberattack been mentioned yet? If not, he should be. Jam packed with creativity and inspiration. :heart: The overall retro video game aesthetic.


i tried to search the forum but couldn´t see any mention of this youtube channel…

i really enjoy this persons perspective and makes some really visually and sonically pleasing videos. Really high quality imo and deserves a lot more subs!

Bloom Music - YouTube

As an example this Take5 review sets a high bar for youtube review´s. to the point, all about the synth, not any fluff with the synthfluencer talking for 10 minutes about its feelings towards the synth, Top visuals and Top sounds… For me, this is the apex of YouTube Synth reviews!


great channel!

This guy is nice to watch


I really like the videos that Eddie Leonard makes. I guess because I don’t find him annoying. A lot of youtube people have presentation styles that grate with me, but not this guy:


I have multiple youtube accounts, and one is just for watching. There, Youtube shows me only things I’d be interested in (mainly synths and retro tech, but also styling and some vloggers) and makes me discover ppl I did not know. I never see anything of that garbage one sees on the youtube start page when logged out.

I just went to youtube, and it shows me this on the start page: Fin25’s latest video, Knight Rider Historians, an old Lenny Dee Gabber Mixtape, an Amiga restauration, a random LGR video and Sarah Belle Reid about the Strega.


speaking of which, are Sarah Belle Read and me the only women on youtube doing horrific noise?


Depends… Playing our new Chernobylizer synths in the forest - YouTube

(I use and endorse the Chernobylizer - works especially well through an envelope follower on an MS-20).


Follow the ones that don’t just constantly review gear while talking about how important it is to not have “GAS” Find the small channels with people actually making good music and ask them questions directly most of the big channels are not really that good at actually making good tunes…
Hence the concentration on gear reviews…
Also try to watch less watching Youtube and actually use you gear.


Have you ever watched Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski - Wikipedia ?

I knew of him through his influence on alt-comix artists (and the Church of the Subgenius) but I was happy to hear the full story on his life.

It’s not like someone has to be “inspiring” or even a nice person to be a talented artist, however I do appreciate knowing more about complicated figures, and contextualized some of the more conceptual world-building in his universe that could have ended up a bit darker in long-abandoned anthropology and race science.

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No I’ve never heard of him before. Very cool stuff. Thanks for the tip, I will definitely look into this!!

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Is it just me or has a lot of the YouTube content gotten worse lately? A lot of the music YouTubers I used to like have stopped making any sort of useful or entertaining content, it just seems like they have to pump stuff out to feed the algorithm or they will be rendered irrelevant within a few weeks. They have even started all putting out very similar content at similar times (like the ‘My experience with making YouTube videos’ videos that like every music YouTuber did recently).

I don’t think it has been healthy for some of them. Bo Beats has to make like a health update video every few months, and some of them even seem dangerously close to a full mental breakdown (you alright Red Means Recording?). And I guess a few others have just started to rub me the wrong way (Oora for example has become pretty insufferable after he must have won the lottery or something and has like $50k of new gear every video).

I used to really like YouTube but I feel something has started to go wrong somewhere.

But to end on a positive note, I will give a shout-out to izotope’s videos (the are you listening series is absolutely amazing), and I recently found the thomann synthesizers channel with a lot of great videos (I love the stuff with Felix Fleer).


The system has gone from squeezing money from the viewers for the benefit of the creators to squeezing the creators, and the only people who can afford to create interesting content that doesn’t just feed the algorithm are folks for whom it’s a loss leader or who have an entirely separate stream of actual money.

Corey Doctorow calls the process enshittification. He wrote a piece recently about TikTok which is in the middle of the same shift.


Man, it sounds like you might be right. So what, now YouTube is just going to hold everyone hostage until it is so crappy it self implodes?

Pretty much. Make yourselves indispensable, run the money pump until it goes dry, wait for someone to start the next cool thing, buy it, and turn the money pump back on. It’s practically a tradition at this point.


Certainly here the solution.
Even if in fact, they generally produce less and are therefore more likely to be less followed. Quantity vs. quality.

I’ll post a few smaller channels from my subscription list which provide excellent music!

If you feel like berlin school ambient, this is the guy. He has excellent performances and hardware synths:

And this is the funniest synthtuber I know :smiley: Gotta love his hilarious short stories in each video:

If you like Radiohead/Thom Yorke, look no further than Blake Walt! Makes some excellent live performances with vocals:

And here’s a real gem if you are into the whole lofi thing, really love all his tracks. Also makes very nice videos!

Octatrack love:

Really nice guy who makes great music on all kinds of synths, check out his works on the M8! Does the occasional live stream so you can tune in and talk about his workflow etc.

And this is my channel, I make all kinds of electronica/ambient/IDM with Elektron gear mainly: