Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 01 | Vels Trio - Yellow Ochre

Thank you man! I’m still waiting to see what else may come :eyes: keep the submissions coming guys!


Hope ya’ll are using those new song modes to get some hits in before the weekend :muscle:


I thought only samples from the track were allowed, which is why I liked your track so much, amazing microchopping!


Damn anything I can do to make this clearer to y’all would be great? Definitely needs to be more obvious.

Will try and make it more clear for the next challenge, although you still got til Sunday!

No rules!


Not a problem, really. I will still stick to using samples from the track only, as that’s what I prefer doing. That is assuming I can actually flip the track….


I’m not sure if others felt the same way, but the timing was kind of strange for this track. It was definitely interesting, to work with


I think due to how I used the samples I was able to sort of work around it haha but yea brokenbeat is challenging to sample and the drums in this track are everywhere

Same here, not really much to grab without drums in it, but it’s in there- plus nice clean drums at the beginning which was nice. Getting a decent bass was a little tricky too, kept me on my toes.

Fantastic choice! Super fun to work with


@1-2 and @natehorn I think that exists with most live drum samples/loops that aren’t done on a sequencer, which is something I actually enjoy because it makes it feel like having access to a “real drummer” in your studio. Also agree that it was a challenging sample to work with, though, and it was tough washing out the drums behind all the samples and then not having them fight each other too much in the background. The only outside samples I used were the drums/vocal samples.

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I meant in a time signature/ broken beat kind of way, but yes sampling a section of drums gives you that live drummer feel that is harder to program in a sequencer or play on pads. I haven’t really done too much sampling, but I like to chop the drums ideally from a break into individual hits and live record/ sequence my own groove, of course it’s usually no where near as good as the feel of the real drummer

Samples without drums are so malleable very flexible to work with, since there were no longer sections like that to chop up here I mostly used little in between bits w/ seperate drums and had very little overlap here and there rather than washing out working around or with the original drum groove as it was so prominent in this track

It’s interesting to hear everyone different thoughts and approach towards sampling


That’s what’s up, awesome. It brings a different fun element into each song. Of course, it’s not the same feel as a real drummer, but it’s still a great sound in comparison (just apples/oranges all over again depending on mood).

We’re working on finding a juicy slightly less drum-less song for the next round :innocent:

@natehorn and @1-2 What were your processes like for this song?

I direct live sampled small sections into OT and made the whole beat there by slicing those recordings and adding mostly filters/delays because I’m still trying to get myself to be able to use all of the features that I want to without getting worn out by ideas in the process. Then, I uploaded an acapella into Ableton and just MIDI triggered that to play along with OT master clocking the jam. Honestly, most of the time was spent hiding drums, but it was a really fun challenge that got me out of my sampling comfort zone.

How you both did what you did so quickly was a treat to see and be a part of :older_man:


Good question be interesting to see people’s processes!

I have videos of both of mine which should be helpful haha

First jam was sliced up on OT, I kept some of the percs on the sample but made my own drums on AR. Sequenced with some manual intervention. Live recorded originally.

My last jam was all sliced up and rebuilt like @1-2 did - i did that one in Ableton which is unusual for me. This one is all the sample apart from the bassline which is Wavetable, which if I were less lazy I’d have done with the sample too :sweat_smile: And the vocal of course


This is great. Looking forward to listening again later on my main system.

Right up my street and lovely work

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Thank you to everyone who left kind comments.

As someone that really enjoys messing around with music, but never really puts anything out there, it’s nice to see others enjoying it too

It’s usually just my cats and they mostly seem pretty indifferent


Awesome bends, really feel I am a spectator inside the heads of this couple, nuanced sounds and thoughts and feelings in a fever dream laying on a waterbed filled with maple syrup!

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Ay thanks @Tim_Nixx mate and welcome aboard!! :raised_hands:


Great to be here!


This is just too good, really like this, it very electronic free jazz, the jazz was really well maintained, its like if Raymond Scott was still on the scene!

So I gave tis one a shot, I went in thinking id do something quite dreamy with and vaporous but the samples i made led me down an interesting path, I am sharing where I got to, would need a heck more work to make it complete I feel. Hope if is an enjoyable listen :slight_smile:


That fade out was so crisp :muscle:

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