Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 14 | Stanley Clarke - Journey to Love

Damn you - OK :laughing: Well I know what I’d be saying to other people too so I guess I also need to take my own advice haha

Sharing is caring.

This was one of the better ideas I captured but I’d want to do a lot more with it… I was happy with the bassline though! m303 sequenced by OT. But I’m gonna ditch this and go in a different direction entirely tomorrow - do a reset on it all. I’m sharing this as an act of humility not pride haha


Okay… you might be being a bit hyper critical on yourself because that sounded great.


That groove is X-LARGE! :muscle: Awesome beat man, and that is a really strong combo you’re working with over there! Please, for the love of all things holy, let us enjoy the voyage with you for a moment longer :wink: You’ve got neat stuff man, let it be heard! :beers:


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Agreed with both of you’s! Felt like it was just getting going!


haha thanks folks… maybe I am being too critical…


Last one for me.


I’m not done yet btw, but I ended up spending over an hour moving things around and swapping cables - going to try a different setup for a while :slight_smile:

Will work on something today!


My Journey (still a bit rough):

Made with Digitakt using factory samples for drums.


This is awesome man! You packed a lot of creativity and vibes in less than 2 minutes. Respect.

Also, it’s just dawned on me, anyone else think Thundercat might have been influenced by Stanley? Vocals especially.


Thank you!

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@BLKrbbt Dope dnb flavors! Your drum game is getting juicier each time, and well done man really enjoyed that ending :muscle:

@natehorn Is that a color tv mod for OT?!? :fire:

@looms Really neat observation, man! Can totally see Thundercat taking inspiration from Stanley Clarke, especially since they both play bass, but only after seeing you write it out otherwise that connection wasn’t there lmao :exploding_head:

@trophoniq Sweet groove, and those intense pans really tickled the ears! Also, welcome to the challenge!

@everyone It’s been a lot of fun getting to jam with you all, again, and thank you all for sharing and for hanging out with @natehorn and I for another flavorful week! Wishing @everyone a fantastic, inspirational week ahead full of neat discoveries, and hopefully we’ll see you all soon for another exciting dig next week :raising_hand_man:


Haha it’s just a reflection :see_no_evil:

I had a play this afternoon, had fun with the synths but struggled to work the sample in - then I got something going with the sample but ran out of time… :upside_down_face:

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Had a final play last night, something a bit different but using the same samples I was playing with before. I think I approached this challenge from the wrong direction, should have used much more of the sample material but hey ho it’s all a journey :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the awesome pick @aarb420 and as always I’m blown away by everyones efforts!!


Deep chill track man and what a throwback into the old days with those vocals! Also, dope keys! :muscle:

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this is so stupid…

I actually was going to vault the project, and was just checking pads on the 404, when I look up… its been a couple hours, and I got one last thing…

Its so dumb… haha

The Sample…

And the result… stick with it.


I feel empowered.

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My son forced me to a dance off when I played your track. Nice one.


Very high praise indeed!

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