BLKrbbt's Beat Corner

I should say the track is all the sample except for the lead piano stabs (and the bit at the start from the Jane Fonda video) - that piano is a random sample I pulled in that I intended to use as a placeholder but as this was a jamuary jam I didn’t end up dwelling on it for too long - I think you could swap that out for some choice sample chops or create a different lead sound that could work just as well from the material though I was just being lazy haha

I do think it sits well in the mix though.

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I wound up having some fun with the song. It’s got a really nice a cappella in the middle that I wound up using:


I love how you set up the distortion then filter into the melodic glitch… nice.

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I think I got a good sample for the next rotation.

I may be peppering this thread with more samples though as a repository for whatever I’m working on. I’ll keep the header and archive, but the thread may have a lot more sources in it.

At least references to sources since I can’t spread around samples I bought as a part of the multiple libraries I bought during my Black Friday buying spree.

I’ve been doing so many other challenges, and the provided samples, that I’ve neglected making things from the samples I already own.

I want to change that, and only do challenges that really resonate. At least for the next couple months.

I’ve said it elsewhere that I want to go with only my ears and gut for a while, but I still want to share the experience with others.

Hence the added samples in this thread.

Plus…. No deadlines!

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Doesn’t have to be a sample, I’m also happy with a theme.

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Whoa. That’s brilliant.

Yeah. That works! That way people can get in on whatever!

I could link to the pack and say that’s the theme.

Plus. A lot of my packs have overlap. Like the Infinite Samples share alot of soundscapes with Spitfire.

So people could get in wherever.

I can t wait till midnight my time… I got this sample I want to share. I’m always curious how it will be received.

It’s time.

Alright I’m excited about this one… Its Jethro Tull.

Or I should say Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. Just a monster on the flute.

This one should be a fun one as well, because it’s a little weird.

Comes with transcription!


That’s nuts I love it.

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Yeah, that’s going to be an interesting one for sure. It’s perfect to challenge our thinking.

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WTF Debbie Gibson… i just sped up the tempo with maschine… all values the same off the rough chops… but I can’t get the beat lined up!!! ggggrrrrrrrr…

Is it 149? Is it 150? nope still off after halfway through the loop…

148.53??? Nope… off after 16 measures… grgrgrgrgrgrrrrrrrr

Got some rough arranging down for the Debbie Gibson song.

I always feel the same way at this stage. It’s too cobbled together. How will this work. The beats won’t fit. It won’t be interesting.

But slowly I’ll build and add Pigments. Then it will bang. I guarantee it.

I should throw an amen in there somewhere.

Eh, it’s slow going with my beat making. Little burnt out with school and weather.

But I got Debbie all arranged and found a nice kick to start the drum track.

I’m using “Wonderful World” by Brisk to reference how to get the drums in a Happy Hardcore way.

There’s still percussion in the chops, so I’ll also map them to try to compliment each other.

I think there’s some very abrupt changes in the arrangement that needs smoothing, so I will bounce Debbie and the drums separately to be able to make some more changes to each element in Logic.

This is going to take a bit longer, but once I get going, and get to add Pigments, the track will be FIRE.

I will say that this might have been a little more ambitious than I might be able to pull off…

Its the time stretching messing up the tempo in places… I feel like its not exactly 150bpm, and it drifts…

I got the drums in, but being sequenced, its hard to get everything to mesh…

Once I go through the process of adding bass in Logic with Pigments, Maybe I can get things smoothed out… if not, then this may just be an experience to be learned from.

Plus, I may need to take a break from samples… I have a new synth coming (PWN Malevonant!) and I want to make all original music for a while.

This is turning into just a production diary!

So unintended consequences is that I n ow have a killer drum track if I don’t tie them to the Debbie chops… I may play something over them as an exercise with the Malevolent.

But the tracks are bounced to Logic, for better or worse, so now its time for Pigments. I have to fix some transitions as well… this might just be a chimera.

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I am WAYYY behind… but I wanted to update the samples I plan on using…

I just took possession the PWM Malevolent that I highlighted in the first of this series BTW.

Because I am a weak man

Change in format… I think this is just a good thread to have a blog type thread where all my music can be uploaded…

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