BLKrbbt's Beat Corner

Just noise and Distortion.

PWN Malevolent and the Subharmonicon


Syntakt and SubHarmonicon

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Syntakt and SubH.

I leveled up and started assigning cc mssgs to the two osc. Then I applied the LFO to the pitch of the second osc.

Plus the Syntakts Delay, Reverb, and Driveā€¦

Really just seeing what I can get out of her.

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My dude! Comin thru with the love!

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Nice one man super chill/deep vibe on this one and the section from 3:12-3:30ish would be neat in a loop! :fire: Did you use the MIDI experiments like you mentioned above? Getting MIDI down can be such a pain, but when it wants to work itā€™s so much fun :baby:

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Yes and no. Iā€™ve noticed that too much midi glitches out the Syntakt.

I couldnā€™t get cc value changes to be recognized on track 8, which is the obvious place to throw the midi track.

But if I did the exact same setup on track 7. It worked fine.

Also, the audio would have massive latency every once in a while, needing to reselect the Syntakt as an audio interface.

Basically, once itā€™s set up, you have to do it in one go. And only cc changes affect pitch, I was firing different sequences by hand on both the Syntakt and SubH.

Thanks for telling me about the loop! I like the outro as well. I think I got the SubH out of my system though.

Might go in on something else. Like the SP404. Start chopping some loops again!


THIS EXACTLY. I just realized you said this.

You just have to be ready to do multiple takes until itā€™s down exactly.

I will also say. This is great to make music from scratch sometimes. While samples take a different kind of approach, both are challenging to make music from. But itā€™s great when it all comes out.

Listening to this again, I think I dialed in the compression wrong. I need to go back and lessen the cymbal.

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Thatā€™s the thing. MIDI drove me to the brink of insanity haha. On MD+OT there is a Turbo MIDI function that works with Elektronā€™s TM-1 interface. I still havenā€™t understood what that function does, exactly, but audibly speaking, it either speeds up the rate of messages being sent, or causes different messages to be sent when itā€™s on/off i.e. samples play faster/slower or differently/start at different points. What are you using to control MIDI/ do you have a ā€œmiddle manā€ interface that controls the main clock? If not, it might be what is causing some of those dropout issues youā€™re experiencing :man_shrugging:

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Thatā€™s interesting.

I was using the Syntakt as a master. And it has that turbo function as well.

Thatā€™s a great explanation for it.

And last thing I want to do is to get an outside midi clock. I have enough gear!

If I had to, I could use a Keystep or Beatstep, but Iā€™m not trying to lose transport on the Syntakt.

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Itā€™s been a minute, but I also had issues when using track 8 for MIDI which were resolved by switching to track 7. I want to say it seemed to happen after copying and pasting tracks somewhere in the pattern, but donā€™t quote me on that. I also want to say the copying & pasting didnā€™t even involve tracks 7/8, so I was extra-surprised to find the MIDI tracks brokenā€¦ but again, without specifics this is not super-helpful. And sorry, if this is off-topic :slight_smile: ā€¦I just mean all this to say: YES, I feel you about weird(?) behavior on the MIDI tracksā€¦


This place never has a topic! All is welcomeā€¦

And thats good to know I didā€™t have a faulty box. And I did copy in that pattern somewhere!

Knowing about a problem is super-helpful, and it seems that as long as we keep hacking at a problem, we can still create the music, which is all Iā€™m really concerned with.

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And I went back and used Pro Q to get the track cymbal a bit less harsh.

I should record over overbridge next time, and stem out everything. Its just better to live play, and have a single .wav, and be cool!

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Syntakt and the SubHarmonicon with the some patching.

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About 9 years agoā€¦ I moved to Germany to buy a dog, wh is with me in Chicago now.

I made a video about a music festival and made a music video about it, just to practice my video editing skills


Just added 88 keys to my setup.

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looks huge in that space

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The angle is a bit misleading, but it is a bit tight in my bedroom.

My dog gets that corner to lie by the window.


where did you score that awesome cable tree/rack

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