Blofeld love

Yesterday i fired up my Blofeld just fur fun. This time i was going thru the samples but i was surprised that i only found 42 Samples on the Blofeld. As far as i remember there have been more on it. If this is the case, then it seems that my Blofeld has lost some of the Samples and it ends with A41 ‘Impulse’.
Can someone confirm this to me? I remembered (maybe false) that there were a bunch of percussive samples after A41. Hopefully the sample-memory of the Blofeld isn’t somehow faulty.

On mine just one after A41 Impulse and that’s ‘909’

But now I’m wondering if I put that on there!

ok thank you, now i know that the memory has been cleared… somehow

Just got a Blofeld after having my eyes on it for a few years - I bought one a while back but the encoders were gone so I got my money back and never got the chance to go deep into it. Big fan of Nave so a hardware version of some of that at such a low price was too hard to resist.

Most of what people say in here is spot on IMO - surprisingly pleasant to program/edit despite the limited number of knobs and can make some awesome sounds. On the other hand, the effects aren’t that great (was running mine through the Digitone before which sounded lovely though!) and the presets are really crappy! I actually think I’m going to wipe them all and just fill it with my own ones and maybe some soundbanks - treating this as a good thing though so I can learn to program better :slight_smile:

Any must watch/read resources for new users?

Should I have any samples if mine does not have the SL licence? The sample memory seems to be totally empty in mind. Not really bothered about using it for samples but if there are meant to be some by default I’d be interested to try and restore them!

The desktop version requires you to buy the SL license to access the sample memory. Opinion seems divided on whether it’s worth it, I’d say wait for a sale if you are thinking about it. There’s plenty else to do with the Blofeld. You can still upload your own wavetables without the SL license.

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you would need the SL license to be able to have samples on the Blofeld, i would start using the machine on its own and then think about whether it’s something you might want to have/add…even without samples there’s plenty that can be done with it :control_knobs: :smiley:

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Ah cool, thanks both! I just wasn’t sure if I should have factory samples loaded in there by default (and the SL licence allows you to replace them) or not.

Not interested in the SL feature really as I have a DT and OT for working with samples in a much more immediate way, I was just curious if there was something wrong with my Blofeld or not :slight_smile:

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Just wondering if anyone can help with a couple of Sample License questions. Have done a bit of searching but so far have come up empty.

  1. Is monophonic portamento/glide supported for user samples?
  2. Can the glide time or rate be adjusted?
  3. Can user samples’ pitch be modulated via LFO for subtle vibrato wooziness?
  4. Is there any free software on Mac that can create the loop points? (Or with Ableton/Logic/AudioFinder as I have them already?)

Any help would be very appreciated.

Yeh to question 4 as well…

I create samples in FL studio and the loop points are caried over to the licence SL…

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Thanks to both if you. Great news about 1-3. If I had FL Studio, looks like 4 would be solved as well.

Oh im sure no matter what software you set the loop points in, it will translate…i have one or two samples from a Future Music sample CD ( that takes me back) that have loop points set in what ever piece of software they were created on…? And the loop points work…

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i don’t think Live embeds them in the audio file but in the asd file instead, in a “non destructive” manner

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1/ yes
2/ yes
3/ yes
4/ I don’t know about free, sorry. But I’ve used loop editor 2 in the past. Renoise will do this too.

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here is a little something i recorded using only a keystep and the blofeld. it shows just how tweakable the blofeld actually is once you get a hang of the matrix. enjoy!

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I’ve been finding the Spectre app utterly confusing when it comes to loading samples. It’s fine with system upgrades, and I managed to successfully install the SL license pack with the included samples, and all that shows up just fine. (I’ve also had no problems with using Midiox to upload sysex patches and wavetables).

My confusion is- I can see there is Program A with 61 samples and a free slot (A62). But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to load a sample into slot A62.

Another question- is it limited to 62 sample slots?
Can I upload multiple sample programs to the Blofeld (A, B, C etc) so long as the total is under 60 MB? Or only one program at a time?

Any help appreciated- Although if possible I would prefer advice on how to use Spectre rather than suggestions to use alternative software.

EDIT- just to add to the confusion, the Waldorf site itself contains contradictory information at different places., about what you and can’t do with Spectre!

I believe the numbering for Programs is A1 - A128, then B1 - …

I have 130 Programs loaded, so mine go from A1-128, then B1, B2.

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i love my blofeld! i recorded a dark ambient album back in november on it, using a lot of great techniques theorized by Mark Pigott on YouTube. check out his channel too

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Yes, spectre is quite bad. I wrote my scripts to generate the xml to be later uploaded by spectre so I don’t have to spend too much time in it.

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I do find the Mark Piggot tutorials helpful, but I actually wish they included a bit more ‘theory’. The ones I’ve watched are very much “go to this menu, set this parameter to 64…”.

I think it would be better as a learning tool if he took a moment to explain why he chooses these settings and what function they serve in the design of the sound. But maybe I’m asking too much :nerd_face: