Blokas Midihub

Nearly every property in every pipe on Midihub is mappable.

The way Micro Scale works is:

  • MH has slots for 8 microtunings.
    these are loaded from the Editor
  • this property is mappable so
  • as the mapped CC value/Note velocity changes the scale is changed

it sends out PB for sep notes on channels you define (according to device’s polyphony)

Postscript: just tested this:
changing tunings in midstream behaves well – it doesn’t send out unexpected Note_offs, for example


I did some stuff on this and posted it up then forgot to come back here and mention it!
The complete patch is described here, FYI with links to the main patch on patchstorage.

(It amuses me that by far the most popular component is the one that turns an LCXL’s LEDs on&off…)

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Thanks again for exploring this query so thoroughly! I still don’t own a MIDIhub yet but it is in my future and the in-roads you’ve made here make the prospect even sweeter!

Cheers. It was a nice effect to create and sent me off in some interesting directions.

I’m currently working on a patch which will auto-increase/decrease “high-res” CCs
(ones that need ones MSB and LSB so two interlinked CCs )
like this:

The two should work nicely together for semi-hands off live control of some interesting morphing capabilities


Using Midihub to add ‘nuance’ from a touch device

As this might be the place where elektronauts considering a Midihub would come,
I thought I’d throw this in:

I was looking at what folk here had said about Expressive E’s Touché,
when I came across this from @redrabbit (back in the day):

it then occurred to me that sort of thing is not only possible but quite easy with the “Vilnius box”

Here’s a patch shot:

here’s the design

  • the main control for the parameter (say Filter) comes in the SETTING pipe.
    (if this were coming from a controller it’d go out to the synth. If it were coming from the synth itself, it’d be likely filtered out)
    This is CC17 in this patch

  • the “offset” controller (Touché, BopPad, etc) comes in the ACCENT pipe.

  • The SETTING CC17 controls the “floor” of the ACCENT's output.
    So, at this point in time, the touch device would come in as 0→127, but be rescaled to 70→127

  • (The CC6 extra mapping is included to show the possibility to set the ‘touch range’ independently of the main control)

  • The other (bypassed) Rescale flips the offset to go from ‘main’ value→0 thus reversing the effect of the touch device

sorry, description took longer than patch to write!

PS. @redrabbit mentions “No flicker”. My Touché is not so well behaved.
Probably the least glamorous role of my Midihubs is to get my many old and now incontinent controllers to stop chattering at other devices


Could you upload this patch somewhere? It’s a bit hard to follow what you mean by the different pipes because they do not seem to exist on my Midihub.

Hi, Are you referring to the ‘Touché accent’ patch mentioned above?

Hm… Yes. But I can see the screenshot now. I couldn’t see it before, that is why I commented.

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