Blush Response calling out Elektron Manuals

Interesting video on your setup @blushresponse

Out of interest - the Rytm sounds integral to your setup, despite all your modular - Midi clock / ableton etc. Do you use the Rytm individual outputs or just the mains? Presume hardwired to your audio interface instead of USB to ableton.

Also do you do your mixing / mastering yourself? Look forward to your release next week.

Guess not got your hands on a Perkons to try yet? That would be an interesting review :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the kind words!

the rytm is my main drum machine. I have all the individual outs routed through a tiptop audio wayout8 so that i can integrate it with my modular effects and i had been recording it that way for the past couple years, but I actually just got a new m2 mac laptop and switched to using overbridge now and it works flawlessly with my current devices (rytm syntakt a4 digitone)

this video was made a couple months back so I hadnā€™t gotten the new laptop yet

I mix my stuff myself but mastering is handled by others.

Alain Paul and Dadub Mastering are my current favorite engineers, I use either one depending on the project

I have messed with the perkons a bit and there are a couple videos on my channel but Iā€™ve not gotten one in for review yet, perhaps in the future!

I think with the rytm, modular, syntakt, digitone, pulsar 23, and modor dr2 iā€™m more than covered for drums so iā€™m not in a super rush to get one tbh


I guess heā€™s never had to read the Intellijel Metropolix manual. I donā€™t know what kind of sick sadistic person wrote that but itā€™s good for getting my kid to sleep at night.

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Ah cool. I guess you mix mainly in the box (not noticed any outboard etc comps and all that)

Cool your using Overbridge now - I guess that changes how you use modular FX for the Elektrons? (Send and returns in Live?)

I spot the Octatrack remains - guess mainly for sequencing and FX also (scenes etc)

I must of missed your soma video - off for a look on your channel!!!

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yeah i mix in the box, always have

I have dreams of just recording to two track on a big desk like a midas venice or something but Iā€™ve not been brave enough yet

some tracks here and there come out completely unedited but its rare that i get the mix right the first time so I always have to at least adjust some levels

since using overbridge now i dont process the rytm through the modular but i just stick plugins on it to do the same things

octatrack has so many uses for me, itā€™s one of my favorite devices ever, as a sound source, sample mangler, etc. it also comes in really handy in remixes as I will put peopleā€™s stems in there and make new sounds from them

this track is an example of that, the main bass is octatrack with the original trackā€™s stems, and drums are all rytm, i forget what the other sounds are but likely modular:

also here is a track I made in kosovo on someoneā€™s borrowed octatrack straight into a zoom recorder:

the story behind that one is kinda funny, I did a DJ set in kosovo and was there for a couple days and the promoters invited me to a house party and when i got there they had set up an octatrack for me and asked me to perform on it, and that was the result


Haha - nice of them to provide an Octatrack and some pressure on you to perform :joy:

Cool - will check out the tracks!!

PS - your machinedrum video makes me want to hunt one down




Too late. So inspiring was your speech that I have since burnt all of my manuals, including my sonā€™s Lego manuals. The real destroyers of imaginative and creative thoughts.


my other cat chichi needs some love too! shes only in the video for a hot minute but shes just as much of a fluff :slight_smile:


This thread is hilarious.

Who gives a fuck whether or not Joey likes the fucking manuals.

Where Iā€™m from, calling someone out means offering another gentleman to meet you in the car park for a fight.

I would pay to watch Joey fight the OT manual in a car park.

Seriously though, people need to stop using the words ā€œcalling outā€ to describe other people expressing an opinion (especially ones that are obviously pretty tongue in cheek). Load of old shit.

Iā€™ve got a hangover, so you can all shut up.


I also immediately started trying to figure out who this elektron user named Manuel was, but as it turned out there was more than one, so I soon lost interest as I do in anything that takes more than 3 clicks to achieve.


I would pay to watch you fight the OT


sounds like a music meme

All manuals are horrible experiences, because youā€™re feeling impatient, frustrated and trying to figure something out. Writing manuals is a thankless job.

My only wish is that companies started making online manuals with search, hyperlinks, and a scalable page instead of PDFs.


eeeeeek :confounded:
Whatā€™s wrong with PDFs ? You already got search, hyperlinks, and zoomā€¦ :thinking:
Plus you donā€™t necessarily need a connection to internetā€¦


connection to the internet is the bane of my existence.


I can relate. My ND brain glazes over at the mere sight of a manual.

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Ideally, they would use the same source material to generate both a website and a pdf.

edit: AKA Single-source publishing - Wikipedia

ADHD here so reading anything is a challenge, itā€™s why I stick to turning knobs, much simpler :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: