Breakcore on MD?

Oh yes. Of course. That can be a good idea. I never try it, cause at the time I had not the MnM. But I used the mpc pads to trig MD patterns. It’s the same with MnM (++ arp!)

When preparing your MD patterns in view to use the instant start (thanks to multimap), try to not always begin your patterns by a kick. Have in mind to create patterns that begin by snares, or rolls, or hit hat, or crash+snares and also silents.
The reason for that is due to the fact that multimap can’t permit offset (it would be great). So if you build all your patterns in a classical way (begining by kick), you will have to much kicks (can be also a kind of music :wink: and the result could be unsatisfying. Also your snares breaks will be hard to play and improvise.

The procedure I often used was to create an unique pattern for a specific song, and slice it on several patterns. A kind of slice spreads over several patterns. It permit to achieved two goals :

  • really dig the Amen technic to create good drums (it’s the same thing than I explain, ie to dispose of differents type of pattern begining) that must be the center of your song. Then you’ll be able to tweak them, in live performance (fnction+extended), or have loooong rolls on wich you can apply pitch and filter motions.
    -second, that unique original pattern will give a real identity to your song, it will be a more coherent construction (that often lacks on breakcore productions).
    This kind of “slicing” is a bit long to prepare, but gratification will be au rendez-vous.

Don’t forget the more important : Havfun :wink:


Started to travel today,but im already looking forward to go home and try this!
Thanks for sharing your ideas!appreciate it!
Happy times!

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we need some audio of these techniques!

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Some audio,or video on this would be tje bomb!
I myself still didnt try it…have so many things to do and so little time… :frowning:
But will try once,and if i do will record and post here(if it works and its worth showing…)

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Maybe it would be best-fastest to ask @elenacortes if She could shed some light here…she was the one who i found writing about this trick…
(Specially cause her name means bright shining light) :wink:
Elena,would you have something to show maybe?pretty Please!

Hello there, also I am interested into making broken/breakcorish beat using a MD, thought is such a challenge because mine is not an UW. Basically I was interested into use a MIDI controller like Behringer BCR and tweak some key parameters… I guess the starting point should be to MIDI control the pattern lenght, is there a CC channel for this parameter?

Global > Control > Map Editor > Assign notes to patterns > Gate (pattern stops with notes off).


i keep forgetting about this one - thanks for the reminder. such a cool feature

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I just have a DT and OT…wish I had an MD and MnM!
Love noisy, frantic stuff though, so glad to find this thread!
Started out on industrial stuff, many moons ago


OT was inspired by MD UW possibilities.
OT has Free Tracks, for midi control with notes and gate, can be quantized. :wink:
More power for breakcore, if you control MD with OT with Free Midi Tracks. :loopy:

will make a try, great advice by the way :tongue:
so that means I can assign a knob to the pattern lenght of the MD?? (I am looking something similar to that of most of the modular sequencers out there… a simple step lenght knob :wink: )

With Map Editor you can assign a Note, not a knob.
Maybe there’s something to do with midi loopback, use a MID machine, use notes assigned to patterns, add more trigs to retrigger them more often, hence shorter length…:thinking:

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just open up the song mode, put some loop brackets around the patterns you want to loop, and change their step lengths to whatever you want between 1 and 64, song mode is very powerful :heart_eyes:

edit: actually iirc the minimum pattern length is 2 steps

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Yeah I’ve definitely made some super spazzed out shit on MD. I’m a breakcore producer too.


Yes i started doing and I obtain lots of variations which relates more to electronica idm than what I refer to breakcore (i am inspired by praxis records-elettric kettle kind of)… I guess I should try to output to external fx… something like a Roland Scooper or a sequenced multi fx with the incredible tweaking capacity of the Elektron gears… is this existing?? Another thing i am going to try is output on monomachine and then heavy tweaking on key parameter such as filter, distortion and delay…

not too familiar with the scooper but it might get you closer - sounds like you’re more after the characteristic sound/feel/vibe of re-sampling techniques than the rhythms themselves, per se - so not having UW machinedrum you will have to work harder to get that vibe and feel using the machine stand-alone

it is called octatrack :heart_eyes:

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Yeah OT, definitely! People usually believe it is just a sampler. And it is great to sequence MD with TRig Conditions.

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Hell yeah, i just watched a video covering the Trig Condition function, it pushes the randomness/variability of elektron sequencer to a further level!

yes .
trig condition is not a gadget .
it push the power of the elektron sequencer really to another level of sequencing .