Brick Stupid Failsafe (Parts/Patterns/Samples/Slots)

So I’ve been doing the WTF shuffle a few times as I learn the OT. This time it was thinking that slices were saved to Parts - they’re not it seems unless you save sample settings.

I guess what I need is a BSF (Brick Stupid Failsafe) when I’m in the flow to be sure I don’t change something while in one Part only to be surprise when I go to another Part and it sounds different.

Can someone confirm that as long as I stay out of the Audio Editor when editing stuff in a Part, whatever I change in one track wrt the sample will not impact another Part using the same sample. IE I can go crazy with all the other stuff, change machines/samples/FX etc etc but just don’t open the AE once I’ve decided that a sample/slot is how I like it. If I want do something different in another Part there - copy the sample to a new slot and go from there…right?

I think this is true but just need to reason it out loud (yes, I’ve read Merlin’s brilliant guide about a million times).


ps Parts are awesome…favorite feature so far next to the crossfader.

Parts contain machine, sample, fx and track parameters, plus 16 scenes.

So if you change a sample assigned to a slot, or change slices, or do any AED edits then these changed will be reflected in the parts which use the sample.

So if you have a sample in say slot 1 (128 slots for flex, 128 for static) and you want a variation on it, then load the sample into another slot to make your edits in another part to avoid changing it in your original part.


That’s what I thought - thanks Darenager…just needed to reason it out loud.


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