[quote]Set up an instrument with velocity mod on pitch, for clarity of variation
Realtime record a slow tempo succession of notes, keep it gentle
Hear the pitch and vel variation
Realtime overdub those notes, make it harder
Oh wha…, no overdubbing/changing of any of the 1st-pass velocities ! (That’s my experience)
Have i just never noticed this on other elektron gear because there’s no velocity sensitive keys, is this a plock funny, a bug, my bad or a misunderstanding ? 1.02F btw
Regarding the thread title, it may actually be neither
The same thing happens with the A4, surely not with the AK though !?
Anyway, seems like a constraint, an annoying one, you can only actually overdub if the note gets changed, so for things like drums where you mostly use one note this is bad news
Ensure the sound has pitch as a destination for vel (for audition clarity)
Now try to overdub that take on the same track (not chromatic mode), but this time play demonstrably harder, so you can hear that the overdubbing is not successful !
Result= no overdubbing with same note ie Huge performance PITA, no ?