Bugbrand noises

Did an album of noise based chirpy stuff on a Bugbrand modular. Not sure if it’s anyone elses cup of tea but I’m leaving up for free download for a week or so should anyone want to download it.


Love it. Ive got a weevil, the only thing I could afford at the time. Should get it out and make horrible noises again. What modules do you have?

Cheers! This was made on the voice/processing section of one of his older modular systems - I’ve a 5 row syatem.

I ignored sequencing and clocking stuff on this and set the patch up around a pair of quad sines and frequency shifters. Lots of modulation, and for the most part the sounds are made with the processors rather than oscillators- filters and delays.

Tom’s stuff is great - I’d love to check the newer modular bits he’s putting out at some point… can’t recommend the Bugbrand stuff enough.

I listened to the whole thing last night. I really like the bass drones. Some of the plinky drippy insect sounds are really nice too. I thought the LFO filter sweep thing was a bit overkill, just too much of it, but thats me.

I do love unedited synth noise. :slight_smile:

I like it. Good use of the stereo field and some really organic sounds coming through.
Nice work.


Yeah I get it - theres three or four that start in near identical wooshes which isn’t ideal. Thanks for listening through though - I’m surprised (and pleased!) that anyone made it through about 20 seconds of this.

Thanks very much.