I am totally au contrair. I would always recommend to buy gear brandnew If possible, especially Elektron Gear. The build quality of their Instruments is on par with Korg or Roland. When you buy s/h you never know what you get. I had Instruments offered as “from smokefree studio” turn Out to be yellowish like a cigarette ash tray stinking Units. People nowaydays are much more willingly to simply effing betray other. From Elektron i know what i get. If it is broken, i can send it Back. With s/h…much more Stress. And 675$ seems Like a great Deal at First, but what If something is broken? Add another 350$ to get it fixed, boom you are in a region where you could have gotten a nice new shiny unit.
We have a saying in Germany…
The one who buys cheap, will pay twice.
S/h…never again, If it is not at least from my local area.