C6 Woes

You’d think that someone with a superior intellect, like yours, Namnibor, would know that careful and considerate communication will not only make you more likable, but will also prevent YOU from looking like an immature person who has resort to inflamatory remarks (tantrum throwing) to make a point. Adults often have an exchange of ideas (whether they agree or not) in a calm and respectful fashion. It’s called a “conversation”, and normally the ability to hold one is a virtue well worth learning.

C6 hasn’t bee updated in what, TEN YEARS? And people are constantly reporting problems with it. So I really doubt a mass appeal to Elektron via tech support is going to do much at this point. It certainly has nothing to do with an attitude of “entitlement” or “immediacy”! People are tired of waiting for what seems to be a very simple upgrade, so now they’re taking matter into their own hands.

that wasn’t especially ‘respectful’ !

differing opinions is one thing, but lowering the tone in that manner is singularly unpleasant on an otherwise (usually) constructive forum

fwiw, i.e. nothing, C6 is fine with me - and if it doesn’t float your boat there’s always Sysex Librarian by Snoize or no doubt any number of solutions for a pc - it also sounds like a thankless task to have anyone write midi software and have it play nicely on windows, that’s not to say that C6 is particularly polished on mac

Not sure if you’re trying this but I used have all sorts of trouble with C6 until I realized I was just doing the wrong thing. I fixed the problem thus:

In the Config menu where the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT boxes are, it should list the Analog Four in both these boxes if it is connected correctly.

But then you also have to click on Analog Four in both boxes to select them so they are highlighted. It is not enough that they are just listed there. They still need to be selected. SDS needs to be selected from the drop menu. A4 needs to be set to USB.

Works every time now - no problems ever on both OSX and Win 7

Start a Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/
I’d be happy to help finance something like that, seeing as C6 is such a piece of turd with the A4. :slight_smile: [/quote]
THAT is one of the most asinine things to come-up with! JUST WHY would a company like Elektron whom obviously has more than enough cash-flow to bring-out all these new instruments and develop something very advanced technically like “Overbridge” need your juvenile solution of ‘kickstarter’???
It’s also a bit of an insult to Elektron in not simply being patient and contacting support in-masse instead…following proper chain of command.
I guess this is a direct representation of this mentality of entitlement and immediacy. Certainly not maturity![/quote]
Jeez, calm down, dude. I think you misunderstand. The Kickstarter was meant for void’s application, not Elektron. Elektron should obviously come up with something themselves to fix this, but if it’s not happening I don’t see why supporting someone to make a third party application would be the greatest sin this side of Uranus.

not sure a kickstarter for this would gain enough momentum…
also, what if i start doing this and then plop out of nowhere a new app from elektron appears… would be kind of silly to compete with them on their turf :slight_smile:

Yeah, it probably wouldn’t. And I understand your concern. Hopefully they’ll come with an updated version of C6 or something entirely new soon.

hhahaee… i am laughing right now a little bit … that would be hilarous if Elektron (official swedish company with the synthesizers) actually, started a fund raising campaing , crowdfunded to improve one of their shitty 10year old software thingys …


just my 2ct. dont claim to be right or have brain

Moved to “other elektron gear” as it’s taking a turn away from a4 specific dialogue.

I have yet to try this MIOS Studio as it is part of the MIDIbox platform but it does support sysex… Go to http://ucapps.de/ and go to MIOS Studio on the menu bar…

Just to emphasize - the idea for the kickstarter was meant for void’s app, obviously not for Elektron to further develop C6.