Can do Classic (soundcloud demo)

I really really love this sound cloud demo. Amazing bit of composition, whoever wrote it.

I get that the demo is showing ‘classic’ analogue sounds, but was wondering… that first lead sound you hear - is that suppose to be emulating any particular classic synth?

I don’t know enough about vintage synths to know if that is any one’s ‘signature sound.’ Also - can anyone ID it as a factory preset?! Is it on the AK somewhere?

I’m clearly in love with that sound!

No not emulating a specific synth just a typical saw with short attack and decay on the filter env.
All old and modern subtractive mono can do it but all have their own character.
Then a second osc drops in later which makes any comparison list smaller to 2 osc synths.
If I was pushed to suggest a synth It sounds like right off the bat I would say a Yamaha CS mono. But it does venture away from that because of the distinct filter sound.