Can this fine community give me feedback on my track?

I’m about to wrap up on my track, once I finish it I unload it from my mind.

Before that happens! I would like the collective wisdom of this community to help me make the track better!

Please give it a listen and share how you think the track could be improved!

(Original mix)

Lyrics(because apparently it means so much to me…)

"When the dust settles
And the sun is going down
The lights flicker on
All around the other side of town

I want to be with you- tonight tonight tonight
I want to be where you are- tonight tonight tonight

Somewhere there’s a party
Out there the light
I’m drunk on cheap vodka
Under the shadow of night

I want to be with you- tonight, tonight, tonight
I want to be where you are- tonight tonight tonight

Revised mix:


You mispronounced champagne.
It’s great. Send it!

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Can’t think of anything that would make it better. Can think of loads of stuff that would make it worse though, if that helps.


You’ve got my attention :grinning:


Thank you very much, my friend!

Great Track @Ryan, I love it! If anything, snappier Clap(s) but who am I to judge? :heart:

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More cowbell






You present an interesting suggestion.


Yes, I can hear it in my minds eye(ignore the metaphor- that doesn’t make sense)

Thanks for the suggestion!

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The track smells pretty good to my mind’s chin’s eye.


Darn it. If this wasn’t split between two DAWs(Renoise and Ableton if you were interested) I would have totally replaced all the synths with cowbell samples just for you :grinning:

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It’s very good. I would maybe pull the synth down a bit at around 2:55 but otherwise it rocks.

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Interesting. I’m curious to your perspective.

Bring the attention back to the bass and keys to close things out? If I had to guess, they sorta distract from the closing of the track?

(You can dm me if you don’t want to elaborate out in the thread)

Thanks for listening and giving your perspective!

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I dunno, just a feeling, like it ended there so pull it down.

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Yeah! That totally checks out!

After you mentioned it, I’ve listened to the ending of the track a couple times and what you were saying became more apparent to me!

Brilliant! I’ll poke around with it! Thank you for that valuable feedback!

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Yesssss like it a lot!

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Very nice!

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Thank you, my friend!

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