Can this fine community give me feedback on my track?

congratulations for the track!
hi hat and snare seem a bit loud (or bright?) vs the overall ambiance on my crappy laptop speakers. maybe a bit of compression, limiting or hi eq cut to push it “inside the track”?

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I’ll have to check it on those speakers. Thanks for the insight

Snare sounds ok to me. It’s the highest hi hat that’s got a slightly excessive amount of chaotic very high freq noise that’s a bit piercing. Other than that, nice and funky track, like Aphex and Daft Punk on quaaludes, trying to find each other in a hotel.

I’d use a shaker loop during the choruses to differentiate the energy level for those sections. Great chords. Great vocoding.

Actually, I think this track could go to the next level by not having so many different synth lines playing at once. Confidently give more spotlight to each one rather than overlapping them.


Lol that’s roughly what I was going for!

At the beginning of the track “lets do Funny Little Man” then as the track progressed “fine we’ll do daft punk”

I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. At the end, 2 of the 3 synths have been played earlier with minimal elements? Dm me if you want to get into the nitty gritty! I appreciate your feedback

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I’m sorry. I can’t let this misinterpretation stand.

I’ve been back and forth on it- if I’m going to be THAT GUY. But sadly I AM “that guy”

Vocoder sucks for interpreting words. I did so many takes to get the words properly interpreted.

The phrasing was “cheap vodka” not “champag-ne”

Champag-ne/Champagne- thematically indicates a celebration.

Cheap vodka- indicates a depression/helplessness. Contrasting the placement vs the desire. Cementing the limbo gazing up at the heaven of the song.

When this gets officially released, there will definitely be lyrics included :grinning:

How you heard it is totally valid(to my dismay) I can hear it too. I just hate that that’s how it can be heard :grinning:

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So good. Bust a flow for 16 bars somewhere in there. Or don’t. It doesn’t need it, but it could be funky if you do it right.

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I laughed at the phrasing of this advice. Well done!

However, I have ADD- so I can’t earnestly make a section that lingers too long.

(Believe me, when I first started on this track I was experimenting with making it a more jazzy focused experiment, with all the jazzy signatures…it didn’t go well)

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You guys had me at Aphex on ludes tho

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Sounds like you are way past the point of asking for feedback on forums.
Solid track. Good sounds, good composition. I don’t like the vocal, but then in general I don’t like vocals in synth music.

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Sounds good! For me, the vocals made the song :smiley: As an idea, it could be cool to pause the drums for a moment, and only focus the vocals and chords, maybe some echo or FX

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Oh! Thats a neat idea! I’ll try around with it!

I much prefer the cheap vodka iteration and agree with your contextual assessment regarding the choice of liquor over sparkling wine and their respective stations in the hierarchy of solo drinking.
I have never tried to use a vocoder, so I’m ignorant as to how it can mispronounce things, but really, I would never, in any seriousness, comment on the pronunciation of champagne in the lyrics of a song.
I like it.

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Thank you for condoning me being “that guy” :grinning:

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Okay, I’ve taken the advice that makes sense for the track and revised the mix.

Sound better? Sound worse?
Right here and in the OP

@generalkustard does this ending sound smoother?

It sounds good to me. I hope you didn’t take any offense. It’s all subjective anyway.

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Nah. It makes sense and is a chance to grow as an artist.

Bombastic ending is fine and all, but poignant ending is better.

Thanks for the advice, I DO think your suggestion improved the track!

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Really nice track @Ryan
Sounds great, I don’t have suggestions to improve it.

Bass, groove and the vocals give me some syro vibes

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Hot dang! I never thought I’d make a track that people compared to Aphex Twin.

I’ve made it to the big leagues, boys!

Thanks Unifono!

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You’ve ruined it now.

  • just kidding. Keep at it.
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Wait really? Plz say sike. Or tell me what i ruined?

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