Cannot Access Slice Page 2,3,4

Hey, can’t see to figure out how to access the 2,3,4 pages in slice mode on a Flex Machine track so i can play slices 17 - 64 in manual recording mode.

hitting the PATTERN PAGE (scale setup) button doesn’t work.
I’m missing something obvious I know - but cant figure it out!


Toggle between the pages by pressing the [PAGE] key.
It won’t work if there are no more slices than those on current page.

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hi - that’s exactly what isn’t working :disappointed_relieved:

how many slices do you definitely have then, it may not be more than 16 ?

there’s 64. they’re p-lockable so i know they are there :slight_smile:

so the slice array is all white [slices mode] as per this diagram where it’s only 16 slices active ?

is the pattern page key working in other modes - e.g. step rec ?

hi again, no - there’re all black ? & the page key isn’y working in either live or step rec mode

then you have no slices - generate/activate them

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might not be a long sequence though - try iirc chromatic mode or make a longer sequence or try test mode but it sounds like you don’t have slices anyway

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oh ok. it’s a 4-bar loop (a beat). i didn’t manually slice it as its already in time.
but just turned slice mode on so i could trigger it from the various Bar points.

sounds like doing it that way doesn’t allow Page toggling :slight_smile:

Did you go into the audio editor and create a slice grid?

no not at all.
I think what confused me was I turned on slice mode on the flex machine (without making any slices) which gave me the impression i was using slices, whereas the OT just gives the ability to trigger from 64 points across the whole sample.

hopefully i can auto-slice to set up the same loop enabling full features of the slice mode :slight_smile:

In the audio editor AED, you can set for 8-64 slices on auto, you can then also tweak start and end points. But if you have a quantised four bar loop then it should work fine.

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thankyou - gonna try this now :slight_smile:

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If you want slice mode to control all start points in increments of 2 turn slic off in flex setup…