I was working with the OT a bunch this weekend (finally had the time) and I ran into a weird issue. I had set up T3 to record, then I assigned the sample back to the track after I recorded it. However, every time I hit play, it started to record on that track again. I tried changing the sample and changing the machine, but it wouldn’t stop recording on play. What am I missing?
It sounds like you left a recorder trig in your pattern.
Either delete the recorder trig or use a one-shot recorder trig. See pages 54 and 80-81 of the manual for further details.
This, also even with one shot rec trigs keep in mind that if you hit stop twice they’ll be re-armed, which can throw you off big time if you forget. There are a few different re-arm options in the settings.
Personally for most sampling I find it more intuitive to do it manually (hold track button and hit AB, CD or MIDI (resampling) depending on what you want to sample). This can be quantized etc in the rec menus.
There’s nothing worse than accidentally overwriting a precious rec buffer.
I cleared all the patterns a few times and it still kept happening. I’ll try and sort it out from the manual again. I’ve read this thing more time then the shampoo bottle in my bathroom…
I’ll look into that. Thanks!
Anything going into the midi in port? The OT has a bizarre cc response to simple notes unless you adjust the receive settings.
I think I did, but it was on a different track for playing a melody.
That’ll be it. Incoming midi notes wreak complete havok across every track. I think you just need to turn off cc receive on the OT.