Cheap Model:Cycles carrying case

I got the deck saver for the cycles and it’s way more snug than the digi-savers. You don’t even need a rubber band with this series!


I’m going decksaver all the way. They seem so pricey but I learned the hard way they’re much cheaper than getting pots repaired… :upside_down_face:


I haven’t yet had an encoder go bad due to not having a decksaver, but nowadays I try to get decksavers for everything just because it keeps gear looking fresh cosmetically, which is great in the event you need to sell something second hand later on.

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Well, I did but I would also say that I probably could have better packed them an was taking them out about twice a week.

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I got a good deal on the MS decksaver on eBay. Was only $30.

Now that I’ve used it a good while, i would definitely pay $50 for another.

Unlike other deck savers, it covers a lot of the sides and corners, much more coverage than usual. This means I can throw it in my backpack’s laptop compartment without any worry. Making the cheapest “case” the one I already own!

As for scratches, yea this thing exists to keep the scratches off your gear. I didn’t know that a scratched decksaver was an annoyance more than it is evidence of why they exist.


Twas a joke, obvs :wink:

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Ah, okay.

That wink in the original post would have made it more obvious for my old, slow brain. :slight_smile:

Spending 50€ on a 300€ synth decksaver seems to much, I am happy with the softcase but may go for a hard one…15-20€ max

This the decksaver that Elektron sells or decksaver itself? I have decksaver for my Circuit and was struggling to find rubber bands oma recent trip so I just used a few pieces of packing tape :joy: works!

And to those worried about scratching your protective lid. Just sticker it up! The only problem with that is figuring out what stickers you want to use.

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Tactical Synthesizer Gear - next big thing. Single point slings, assault ready cases, weatherproof vest pouches, bulletproof decksavers in camo. I see a business idea here!

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yep, i got it on but it still has “made in the uk by decksaver” imprinted in the plastic

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using a laptop sleeve here as well, i also wrap it up snug in a piece of fabric or old t-shirt before placing it in the sleeve. the stickers are cool but i haven’t used them on the sample or the cycle, i’m just not a big sticker guy. i’m fairly certain that the gs comments about keeping the sticker sheet are mostly in jest, it couldn’t possibly raise the resale value enough to be warranted imho

i don’t like how the strap goes right over the knobs with the sleeve chinchilla had posted, i wouldn’t trust that personally.

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Yep, I concur with you Dr.
I haven’t strapped it in since that piccy.
Both Samples and Cycles travelled in their little cases to Portugal and back last week and they are alive and well back in the Shire.
But thank you for your concern.

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I have ridiculous tactical cases for my digi’s and now one for the cycles. It may be a bit over-kill but I like the customizable foam and I think they look awesome and definitely provide protection.
I found a place to get them really cheap too!

The pelican and condition one cases are expensive but at harbor freight they have the same kind (cheaper brand) for like $30. So I have a few of those for my Elektrons.

Has anybody tried the Model Cycles/Samples Desksaver in combination with the official bag? Does it work? I know this would be an expensive solution in relation to the price of the unit itself. But I like accessoires that are pefectly fitted.

do you mean with the model sleeve?

It works well.
Front pocket holds PSU and midi cables too.
Strap latches it nice and tight. No complaints.

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Thanks for the info!

I love the decksavers cover. I got one for my m:s to take to japan to fiddle with on the family trip last year and it and a 10 inch sleeve were perfect.

I use a Pelican hard case for tablets…works great!