Cheaper protective lids for DT, DN, AH and other Elektrons?

true. While Ive always complained and griped about the price before and during purchasing the elektron deck savers, Ive never regretted the decision afterwards. They are really nice. No wrapping in towels to get to practice or a gig. Just pop on the lid and slip it into the bag . nice. (BTW folks, old video projector bags can make some excellent Elektron gear soft cases!)
My advice: Just do it. Buy it, get all the pissing and moaning out of your system, and then… enjoy a lifetime of worry-free synth travel and dust protection.
Also, anyone else sorta wish that the lids had mountable hinges and could open like a record player?


So I just got home from a work trip to find a Monologue DeckSaver waiting from Amazon. An early b-day gift from my in-laws.

I had this on my Amazon wishlist for years. These make greater gifts than they do purchases, as you may be reluctant to buy it for yourself. Put one on your wishlist, folks! :slight_smile:


Projector bag is a good idea! What dimensions are the ones you use for Elektron gear? You use them for the DN / DT? I also have the dark Trinity but have Decksavers for all those and 1 shoulder bag.

I’ve sewed my own.


Don’t take this as gospel but I contacted support about ARMKI max operating temp 30C/86F as I was set up in a loft above a fireplace and it would get well over that, summer too just naturally toasty. They said it was just being cautious and I was good to go, ran it there for two years sometimes on for 24+hours, zero issues. Again, proceed at your own risk… :slight_smile:

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I consider the decksavers to be pretty mandatory these days. Much prefer buying decksavers and then using generic backpacks over buying custom sized UDG etc hardcases. If the added cost of buying several decksavers feels like much, space em out and buy one at a time.

My rytm nk I almost died from travelling too much without one, one encoder started acting up and several trigs turned flakey… luckily they recovered in time. Now I never transport my elektrons without the lids.

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Those look like that incredibly cheap plastic that they make cheap plant pots out of, that crack if you so much as look at them.

I could be wrong, but I’d rather trust my very expensive equipment with something more sturdy if it’s in a bag for example (I use a Velcro strap around deck savers when transporting).

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Lots of talk about Decksavers on this thread, but as far as I can tell Decksaver don’t make a cover for the Digitone / Digitakt / Analog Heat. Am I missing something?

The Elektron PL-2S is, indeed, manufactured by Decksaver


Aha! Thanks Adam.

OK - I want to get the dust cover for my DT, can someone convince me that it’s worth parting with $50 to get one?

Do part of the proceeds go to some Elektron beer fund, or other worthwhile world charity?
At least then I could feel good about it.

Best regards,


Elektron PL-2s lids are made by Decksaver. Yes, the price is pretty impressive, but it’s the safest way to protect the encoders when bringing the machine with you. If your machines travel a lot, it’s definitely a good investment.

If it’s just for dust, however, just get a towel or a sheet :tongue:


For dust only , I use Microfiber cleaning cloths.
Clean Screen Wizard is the brand I use. This way I can also use them to clean my eyeglasses, laptop screen, and Elektron screens.

I got a three pack for my DJ controller, and I use a couple on my AK. Being able to fold them up (especially for larger gear) is a bonus as a stack of decksavers begins to take up a good bit of space.

But for anything beyond just dust, like having to travel, constantly move things, use the gear as a new surface to put things on, or especially if you have cats, the $50 decksaver is worth it.

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Any Black Friday deals for the lids by chance?

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Maybe it has already been mentioned, but you also have this alternative:

Wow, it seems they liked one of my designs! :grin: :grin:

They also used one of my photo:

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Cheap DN cover in the UK. I just received mine and it fits great and is very sturdy. It’s not as thick as the decksaver PL’s but it seems well sturdy enough…at half the price!

these were designed where I live, in Argentina :slight_smile:
I’ve bought several products from them - great quality, and great people as well.
my CoverUp decksaver for my Analog Heat actually fits better than my original Elektron one.
Can’t recommend them enough!

They seem to not have a cover for the digitakt on the website unfortunately… I need to by one very soon. I guess it’ll be the one from elektron then.

here ya go