Chord Machine sounds dull

More channels, and machines. :wink:
Thanks for the tip, but there a 4 noise generators available with analogs, and the SY BITS which seems perfect for that purpose, adding noise and 2 tunable oscs to a Chord.


Well, then there is nothing to complain about :joy: I remember the days when we were twisting and morphing machinedrum cymbals machines into textured chords. Now there is even more defined machines for each purpose.

And in case people feel limited by the current engines, buy a Digitone. Syntakt is after all a drum machine with limited synth capabilities.


Much better synth capacities than MD for sure. With MD UW at least you can use single cycle waveform you can tune (3 values = 1 semitone iirc).

Concerning Syntakt and I guess MC, the behavior of envelope because of monophony is the most annoying imho, if you want to use slow attack and release, for pads.

I sold my Digitone for the Syntakt, I’m not sure to buy it again…

You went and did what?! :wink: I bought another Digitone for higher polyphony. Some unison sounds max out the eight voices.

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I just recently got an OP-1 Field and it also has limited synth capabilities… more limited than the Syntakt imo, but it can create all types of lush poly sounds. I think Elektron needs to try harder.

They could easily create another chord machine with brighter waves, detune, and an ensemble/chorus effect. I’m actually expecting this because it so obvious. We’ll see what happens.


Yeah, but then again, we are comparing a machine for double the price that wants to do it all against a drum machine that bangs the OP-1 out sonically. Even Cycles achieves that IMO for 200 euros used.

Doesn’t seem too hard to add a saw, square any brighter waveform ! If you listen/see carefully last waveforms, they are identical from 124 to 127. For me it’s enough to improve it, but maybe some people would complain…:sad:


You won´t be able to sweep it with and LFO since the transitions would be hard which wouldn´t match the rest of the “wavetable”. Would be better to add them close to the softer versions of those shapes instead (by holding FUNC + waveform you can scroll in-between them today)…if needed. I´m not complaining :wink:

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But that feature will probably never be added because…

…with one machine. You need to buy another one.

I honestly got a bit disappointed discovering that the crunch and lo-fi sound of the Cycles machines had been “refined” in the Syntakt. I have some really nice patterns that just sounds Meh on the Syntakt. Bought the ST for the added functionality.

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Yea it feels cynical to say but I’m fairly sure this is a business as much as a product design decision.

It’s not that they couldn’t provide more poly functionality, it’s that it would eat into the GAS you have for the Digitone.

Elektron are absolute masters at giving you 90% of what you need whilst leaving that 10% on another box.


I’m still praying for the day the Syntakt gets some kind of poly-track link functionality. Because DVCO or SY Bits or SY Toy x3 would be dub heaven through those digital and analog fx/filters…

We should all spend time mentioning this in the the-syntakt-feature-request-thread


I’m still praying for the day the Model:Cycles gets SY Toy

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put it in the MC request thread! Add your voice! And the clap machine too!


Already done (back in April) :). I honestly don’t really expect it to happen, but it would make my day if it did.

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M8 have a lot of capabilities with just 8 tracks. Not analog but it is cheaper, more portable, can sample, re-sample and render stems. :wink: I honestly don’t care about analog that much since digital can replicate that sound pretty close these days.

If they would have keep the grit of the Cycles machines in the Syntakt. the analog wouldn’t add much to the digital machines in my opinion. The Cycles grit sounds better than running the machines through the analog drive/filters.

It´s a yes because you are putting value into the analog part and they use that to validate the x4 price jump from Cycles. Track count doesn’t matter that much with trackers like M8 or elektrons.

I regret not buying one for £730 when they were on sale at KMR. It’s become my new price anchor too so now I need to wait for another big sale …

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The M:C produced for me useable sounds only with external distortion, so it had to go.

Syntakt has distortion built-in and can be gritty af, and it can be even more brutal than those examples).


I’m not talking about distortion. Read the thread I posted earlier.

I did. But all the sounds in the first vid are done with a machine that the Model Cycles desn’t even have, and doesn’t even require distortion to sound huge. But being able to change volume and overdrive independently, and being able to decide what goes into the analog distortion opens worlds.

Treating Syntakt as M:C probably only leads to grief.