Cirklon and CV (or...)?

It’s the thread where i talk to me :joy:

Now i attempted to use OT through Cirklon. After few try, i understand how they go together.
Now i can use notes, Arp, conditional trig… and the lfo too. For Lfo it’s necessary to target the cc in OT and to program CVIO to #ctrl and then the same cc number you’ve chosen in OT. This way Cirklon provide cv following the lfo. So lot of lfo :yum: and more if you bufered multiple them :crazy_face:
So Cirklon provide enveloppe and transmit lfo. That can be added to the pros.

But still the fact that the use of screen is not a thing i like in a modular approach. If i wouldn’t have wired synths that i love to use with Cirklon, if i was modular only, i’m not sure that i would have Cirklon :thinking:

The real thing are the AUXes, the only reason that makes me really love Cirklon. Cause it’s easy to make complex things.
That’s the last experience i have to do try with modular. I know that it will change a bit the way i use my case.

To be continued…

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The latence, for the moment i don’t really sufer or noticed it.
The gates : 8 seems to be a bit not enough on paper. But they can be augmented with utility modules in the case. The right thing is that first 8 CV and gates are by default linked ans its efficient.

So, for the moment the upgrade was globaly interesting