Click on retrig

It’s one of these ideas that should be simple to do but i’m hitting the wall since 2 hours on it.
I am trying to use retriggering on vocal samples but it is popping like crazy.

I trimmed each sample to have clean beginning/ends but it is still popping and clicking really Loud when the sample is cut by a new one.
Is there any option to close quickly the enveloppe, like a fast release before retriggering? I tried options of the AMP sub menu but nothing works so far. Timestretch is OFF FWIW.

Have you tried using a flex machine?
Have you tried the different options in the AMP set up page? (Edit: oh you have)

Are you using slices or sample locking?
Do you have a filter env also on the active track?

I am using a FLEX (was on a static but changed for FLEX to see if it could improve) and no filter on FX.
I am using sample locking also.


Have you tried making a sample chain, then use slices instead?

Are the samples mono or stereo?

I did not try sample chain. Bit of a PITA to have use a computer though to avoid clicks.

I am using stereo sample. I read on another thread that maybe using mono samples would help but once again i’d need a computer and losing the stereo seems a but akward to just avoid clicks…

No way to act on the end of the enveloppe? That seems so weird for a sampler.

You don’t really need to prepare the chain on your computer if you’re in a pinch. Just open up a new flex track, and setup the track recorder to listen to the main outs. Go to the slots trig mode, and play each of your samples one after the other. Save it and then slice it up.

But I think your first bet would be AMP page, turn down HOLD all the way to 0, and release all the way to 0. Play your sample repeatedly and slowly turn up the release to taste.

Another idea is if you have a steps worth of space between each sample locked trig, you could put a trigless lock on the in between steps, with amp vol 0.


You dont need a computer. You can make sample chains on octatrack. You can also sum stereo samples to mono on octatrack (audio editor, mix L+R channels)

Mono well probably help, sample chains with mono sample will probably help, setting hold and release will probably help.

Indeed i can try this :wink:

Tried it before but as soon the envelope closes, it pops. The stealing of voice is so harsh, i wish they implement a auto fade we could dose, there’s a free slot in the AMP page.

Nope, the idea is to have a stutter effect on the vocal sample and play with it with the crossfader.

I tried that before: the result is a disaster full of artifacts somehow.

I also notice that diminishing the release in the AMP page cancels the retriggering.

Unfortunately, there’s not :slight_smile: afaik, that slot is for XVOL, used in scenes.


First, selection to -3db then sum to mono. If it still clips revert to saved file, selection to -6db then sum to mono.

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True i forgot that, they can implement it fully automatic then :grin:

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I had to lower 6Db to sum up without artifacts (good to know, thx) but it doesn’t change the fact the envelope drops too suddenly.

If only the release would not cut the retrigerring, it could work maybe. Strange as one could expect the release would be before retriggering and not after.

Edit: sorry it’s the HOLD knob turned down that cuts the retriggering.

Calling @sezare56
You might know the solution, fellow octawizard.


Dammit, we’re are powerless without the wizard :wink:

Did not want to bother him for such a mortal’s dumb problem but i guess i’ll have to invoke @sezare56 as well :joy:


Nah not powerless, I could figure it out, but I’m not at my OT right now. @sezare56 is the lore master and no longer needs an actual OT for his power to be effective.

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Would it help to use the other kind of retrigs? (src menu or in the microtiming menu?) I think one retriggers the envelopes and the other doesn’t

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Ive just had a play with this.

Using flex machine, mono samples, sliced manually. No FX.

I could be wrong, but it seems to be about sample zero crossings. When the zero crossing is clean retrigging the sample doesnt create any pops, regardless of AMP settings.

I found I could turn the amp hold and release right down to nothing and still get tight little retrigs, no clicking or popping sounds

This indicates that the start and end point of your sample need to be bang on a zero crossing be they sliced or otherwise.

I’ll try sample locking after lunch.

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That was my impression your sample has a hard edge so you NEED to clean up the start and end of the sample if you’re retriggering it you can do it in the audio editor just zoom in and select the first 10-20 samples of the track and select the Fade IN option. do it a few times if needed to ensure that the sample is starting at a 0 crossing. That should minimize some of that clicking but It’s a monophonic sampler you’re going to have clicks regardless.

Edit: also relevant info on Stereo zero crossings from the AED section of the OT Manual

Hold [FUNC] while moving the waveform, loop, start or end points to snap the selected
point to a zero amplitude crossing. Zero crossings are indicated by a small rectangle in the
middle of the marker. On very large Static samples there might be a short delay before the
zero cross search is completed and the marker snaps in place. To select a zero crossing
on both channels, you need to select both channels in CHANGE VIEW.


Ok. Just tried this using sample locking.

Stereo vocal samples. Cross fader to retrigger. LFO to retrig time. LFO to sample start. No slices. No FX. No trimming of any kind, no editing of any samples.
Couldnt replicate any popfest. Slightly smoother with amp attack set to 2 or 3, hold and release backed off a bit.

I even tried mixing in some mono samples, drum breaks, anything to max out transient information.

I dunno what you’re doing, but it seems fine here. Sure its a little clicky on occasion, but certainly nothing to worry about in the context of a mix.