Click on the first kick of my loop

When I export sound through overbridge, there’s always a click on the first kick of the loop. It’s not clipping or anything, and I really don’t know how to fix it other than manually fading the loop and removing the click, which is tedious and not optimal. Any help?

the potential solutions are probably more tedious than the fade in.
How about a silent pattern before the real pattern (via chaining)?

I feel like it just shouldn’t even be a problem to begin with?

How are you exporting sound?

I record the individual tracks from digitakt through overbridge into Live

Try to put one bar blank at the beginning of you song.
Maybe play on the Buffer 256, 128, 64…

The problem isn’t that I can’t find a workaround - there are literally a dozen workarounds for it. My issue is with this being a problem in the first place, which it shouldn’t be.

Then ask to the official support maybe they will help to fix it.
Overbridge is not a simple thing there’s a lot around it, USB, Audio buffer, the computer itself, the DAW, etc… from my point of view nothing perfect but from the launch to now they make a great job at enhancing it and make it stable and less issues - ask them they know very well their baby

Yeah looks like I might have to. Will try to noodle around with the buffer size. Thanks for the help!

And starting a song by setting an empty space is not a workaround it’s commonly adopted there’s a lot of producer doing this… if you have a sync box it usually make your sync even better (and overbridge is exactly that) it let a bit of times to things synchronize more tight.

It’s also help with the introduction of the song that you maybe choose to delay, or maybe some idea for it will come later and you don’t have to move everything included automations. So it’s very widely used like 8, 16 or 32 blank.

I don’t say it will fix your issue still :slight_smile:

A great tip if you’re using Live: use cmd/i to insert a blank space of the length you want!

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Agreed but shorcuts are a pain as i’m also graphic designer, i do after effects, premiere , c4d, webdevelopement, so full creative cloud + web dev stack of app… on a project basis and music (Ableton + Reason) impossible for me to memorize everything

But ils a good one i forget thanks

I‘ve experienced this issue a looot. I think it‘s caused by the first kick‘s initial milliseconds of sound not being recorded. I have a workaround which involves recording a longer segment of kicks and then replacing the first hit with one that‘s not missing the initial couple of milliseconds. I am lacking the terminology to make myself properly understood here, but I hope this still makes sense.

Yeah I pretty much do the same thing now. It just gets really tiresome doing this all the time… And I don’t know why it fucks up the recording when it’s over USB and not direct audio

Seconding raising a support ticket on The resident support guru always gets back to me really quickly and genuinely wants to help, in my experience.