C'mon OB

What’s holding elekton up at the moment? A bit of information what’s happening with OB would be interesting please

After a heavy night on the sake, getting thrown out of 3 different karaoke bars and waking up sleeping in a dumpster in the back alleys of Roppungi, the elektron team realise they’ve lost the dev laptop with the Overbridge source-code on it.

NEVERBRIDGE !!! :wink:

All I can say that it is coming. There are few things which needs to be sorted out and the Dev team is working day n night.

Have to say, I am not a computer guy - but seeing OB running with my favourite pieces of kit, this is some dark magic :slight_smile:

Work harder Dev Team!

Is that where the burnt-out Devs go?

Behind the curtain lies our R&D department.
