Collider for the iPad

Well it seems like you can receive and send just fine. Are you sure the RYTM is playing the pattern you are sending (Example: are you sending A1 but playing H1 on the RYTM)?

You can swipe up and down on the REC PTN and SEND PTN views to change the which pattern slots you are dealing with (They aren’t locked to A01). I think that may be the problem

If that wasn’t the problem, start with an empty project on pattern A01 and see if you can send some data to it. Sending / Receiving patterns has worked for a long time so it’s just gonna be a silly user error :smiley:

That’s exactly what I mentionned : the rytm is playing the A1 as well as it receives this pattern (REC PATTERN is configured to A1 as well as the SEND PATTERN is configured to A1 too)

I checked out twice, selecting the A1 pattern, it’s well mentionned [A1] on the bottom-left on the screen. And the volume, mute etc… well interacts… I just don’t get why trigs are not updated :no_mouth:


If the RYTM says it received the pattern that means the pattern was successfully sent and all the data was processed.

  1. What edits are you making to the trigs that you are not hearing?
  2. Are you in Song / Chain Mode?
  3. What happens when you CLEAR and send an empty pattern to the RYTM A01 slot. Does it still play?
  4. Start over with an empty project (with the correct Hardware settings) and see that you can send a pattern

I try to put 1 - 7 - 13 on the BD1. No song / chain mode selected. I clear A01, nothing happens. I also switched to H16 (rec, send & pattern selected on the rytm). I also tried an empty project yep ! I checked out all menus, parameters like quantify, etc… Nothing :confused:

I PM’d you to help debug

Issue resolved: Was on older OS 1.30


Snap and Self kits are a new world for me. Especially the latter. Such gorgeous sounds.


Awesome! :slight_smile:

Let me know of any other sound design functions or kit ideas you guys have. New update will be submitted in a few days.


Ableton link would be a cool feature

Finally my problem has been solved by updating my rytm OS (I was still in the previous, my baaad !!)

Another problem I meet but maybe it’s normal actualy, is latency : it needs several seconds to send the pattern whereas I’m directly connected to USB. The problem occures even if I disconnect the rytm from my midi chain… This is problematic for me because I would like to use it during live sessions… :frowning:

Any clue?

It would be nice to be able to hold my perf. scene pad down and hit randomize in collider and it be saved as a perf scene.


The entire pattern is sent immediately…the latency is the actual RYTM hardware processing all the trigs / p-locks and setting them up while keeping things in sync. Nothing I can do about that :frowning:

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Alright thanks. I’ll right something to elektron about that.

Submitted a new update today:

  • Added ability to get current kit from the Rytm
  • Added MFX P-Lock Sequencer Track and ability to insert / morph / reset MFX P-Locks
  • Added Kit Types: FM and Natural
  • Added Sound Design Function: Mono, Less FX, More FX
  • Added ability to Auto-Fill empty Kit Snapshots
  • Added Pattern Algorithm “Cross Rhythms”
  • Fixed P-Locks not showing up when Receiving a pattern from the Rytm
  • Fixed some CC input / output mapping issues with certain Synth Parameters
  • UI Changes

Now I have another Rytm this is great news, you really do put a lot of effort in @mekohler and it’s greatly appreciated!

Can’t even remember what I paid for Collider but it was dirt cheap no matter the amount.

Indispensable. :heart:


Update still not approved but I started working on next week’s submission which lets you visualize and draw in P-Lock values:


Sexy times ahead!

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Update is live! I pulled it over the weekend and added in the P-Lock detail view. Scenes and Performance randomization is done, I’m just testing it. Let me know if you have any issues.


Scenes and perf randomize…Collider for the win!!!


