Collider for the iPad

Yeah it’s true, I don’t know why it slipped my mind. The update at the end of the week will include that. Thanks!

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I was using Collider again last night for a few hours, and it keeps getting better - or I keep finally figuring out how to use it (and Rytm) properly! - haha.

I get so little time free, it does take longer for the user methods to sink in so that you can be slick with these instruments/tools. Octatrack was the worst, but seems so easy now I know how to use it. Rytm is something that keeps growing for me as I understand more, and Collider has certainly helped me to understand more of the functionality options.

I guess I’m so used to software synths, I kind of find it easier to learn hardware through software interfaces :wink:


The performance value sent out is proportional to the distance each control is from the black hole. You can randomize the gravity and noise fields, and freeze everything if you find a sound you like.




Wow, is this in the next update?!?

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Very nice, looks to be modulating the perf scene chosen as well as the velocity. I’m dying to know what’s going on here. Looks to be very liine lemur-ish.

It only sends out Performance controls for now! It’s just a visually interesting way to have the Performance Controls auto-played. Not sure how useful it will be yet, but it’s nice to just let them bounce around and have your RYTM be performed automatically. A few time this afternoon they achieved some cool sounds and I “Froze” the view to keep those values.

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That’s awesome. Are you planning on a way to implement some sort of friction/speed control? Could be interesting to have a way to modulate or control the rate at which they move. Maybe some sort of mathematical equations to get them moving cyclically

hook it up to the accelerometer , wobble around your pad to get mad noises.

Right now the UI controls are primitive, but the underlying structure to edit Physics details and kinds of fields etc is there. They are moving based on math / physics now. There are 3 gravity “holes” and a random noise field. Controls will swirl around the gravity holes and shoot out etc.

I don’t know how far I will take it. Can’t overload the machine with too many CC’s, else things get wonky.

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Any chance of this being the update coming this week?

there must be a lot of underlying code that could be used to make a definable control surface ?

rename cc’s to match another piece of hardware , midi channels , edit the sequencer … a fair amount of work perhaps , maybe the benefits of a wider audience outway the effort needed.

maybe tweak it for analog four/keys ?

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Submitted already, waiting on Apple.


Mr. Mekoholer is there a chance to save the performance and scenes in presets.
Thx it’s a great app

That’s in the next update as well :slight_smile:

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True dat. Rytm seems to only be able to drink cc with a really narrow straw.

Here’s an idea that I’d love to see. Essentially each voice would have a “pallet” or rhythms that you can define. Like a xooxoooxoooxooo and xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo, etc. then you can just swap these patterns out. Think of it as instead of having a “pattern” that is for all track, each track can have its own patterns. I’ve prototyped it using Genome on iPad, and it amazing way to have non-random but really variable rhythms for live playing.

Just a thought…

Interesting idea, the major problem would be the UI for it