Collider for the iPad

MIDI Port Config for more advanced setups coming this week:

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yeaaaaaah :heart_eyes: :rocket:

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Great app thanks! A question, if I send a kit + pattern to the rytm and then tweak some parameters on the machine side of things, and then send a new pattern, the initial kit also gets sent overwriting my most recent parameter changes. Is there a way to send only the new patterns and not the kit?

Also, it would be nice if the evolve function - by choice - could send patterns only and not kits as well.

Please also add the possibility to make the Master Filter, FX and DRIVE effect changes on the MIX page stick and not revert back to initial.

Thanks :slight_smile:

  • Kits / Sound settings are NEVER sent with patterns…Patterns ONLY contain Trig data, parameter locks, and other pattern parameters. You might be sending a pattern that contains p-locks which is affecting your sound?

  • Evolve does not send any Kit / Sound stuff. It only Mutes and affects Pattern parameters (Humanization, TRC and P-Locks, as toggled in advanced options), so I’m confused by the request. The only way it will affect the sound is due to the parameter locks it could generate, but that you can toggle off under advanced options.

  • With the XY Pads if you double-tap a location it will lock to that value. Double-tap again to toggle off.

***Patterns are the ONLY things currently using Sysex dumps. Kit and Sound settings are currently sent via individual MIDI CC’s , so unless you turn a parameter knob, load a Kit / Track, or sync the Kit to the RYTM by using the upper right GREEN circle on the main page and tapping SYNC, Kits and Sounds are NOT sent…which is why I am confused by your post. I have a feeling it’s just the parameter locks which you are talking about? Let me know.

Waiting on apple for the latest update to come out…

Thanks for your reply. You are right, the kit is not sent but the mixer settings are, which is kind of bad since I might have changed the level/delay/reverb etc since the last transfer of patterns and when I make the transfer everything suddenly drops in volume/delay/reverb. That’s not the way it is supposed to work is it? Same with the evolve function, it reverts back to the app mixer settings even though I have made changes on the machine.

Great with the double tap, thanks!

Never mind, I fixed it! I forgot to turn on midi out so the parameter changes were sent back to the app. It works now!


Update for midi ports is out. Nothing is enabled by default, so you must turn on the ports you want. The upper left connection dots has been replaced with that menu, double-tap to access.

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In case anyone wants to use OB at the same time as the Collider app and still use a wired conncetion, I managed to run them both by using an USB-lightning cable connected to a Roland USB-MIDI interface called UM-ONE. Works perfectly.


Nice, didn’t know it could work with OB on :o

Working on a few bugs here and there, but if anyone has any feature / workflow suggestions I’d love to hear.

This is probably idiot level question but ;

Should I plug iPad into rytm directly ( lightning to usb lead , same lead used with traktor z1 controller )
Or use camera connect kit with normal usb lead ?


No idea, don’t think it matters…I use camera kit just bcs that’s all I have.


Here is a simple feature request.
Could it be possible to add “buttons” on the volume faders to be able to grab them easily (like liine lemur, see the folowing picture).
Currently the faders are not easy to grab when their value is 0 or 127 without “value jumps”.
anyway, great app, thanks!

I will look into adding that, or maybe just make the motion relative and not absolute so no jumping occurs…good idea :slight_smile:

Has anyone experienced any issue with the XY-Pad for filter / drive / fx? (unresponsive rytm?)

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wow, just saw this! gonna check it out tonight!

I don’t know if iOS 10 is the issue here but I just purchased Collider and…well…it simply isn’t working. Double-tapping will open the MIDI ports or kit page but then there is no way to exit. It just gets stuck, requiring a relaunch. So, as I can’t even get past setting up the MIDI ports, the app does nothing.

So…please…if it is ios10 compatibility that’s at fault, do you have a fix lined up? It’s a great idea for an app, but a waste of money otherwise.

You exit the Midi port panel, for example, by tapping an empty area (somewhere on the bottom right or left). Have you tried that? I should add a close button, but let me know if that works.

Yeah, I’ve tried that. It only works in the advanced settings page. All the others just become “stuck”.

Ok, my iPad doesn’t support iOS10 so I haven’t tested it on a device yet. I’ll have to pick one up over the weekend. Anyone with iOS10 iPad want to chime in?

I’ve been on vacation so I’ll recompile with iOS10 SDK and add “Close” buttons…see if that fixes the issue while I get hardware. Sorry about that :(, seems weird.

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Quick question on the XY’s… When I use them (I’m connected directly via USB), the AR seems to kind of “lock up”, then after a bit of time it unlocks and a stream of notes get played (i.e. it’s like the notes that should have been played during the lock up get buffered, then puked up all at once).

Any idea if this is an APP issue, a AR settings issue, etc.?