Maybe I am being a complete doofus but I could have sworn that having the scale mode set to per pattern didn’t affect the conditional trigs but when I am putting down 4 final kick trigs using the 4:4 setting so that they just happen on the very last of 4 x 4 bar cycles, they won’t trig. This pattern is set to 64/64 1x, the master is set to 64/64 1/4x.
I have the master pattern length set to 64/64 1/4x but surely that shouldn’t prevent trigs on channel one, set to 64/64 1x, sounding?
So it seems to be the case that if I repeat the pattern the conditional trigs play but if I change the to the next pattern and wait then they don’t sound. Why might that be? Have run out of ideas and am at m y wit’s end
4:4 means those trigs will only be active on every fourth repetition of the pattern, so it should be the case that you only get them after the pattern has repeated - is that not what you are expecting to happen? Changing to another pattern is effectively resetting the counter for the condition.
I agree with dokev’s interpretation. 4:4 would result in the triggers playing the 4th and only the 4th repetition of the trigger. Then the count would reset, so it would technically happen on the 8, 12 etc repetitions indefinitely.
I think you may have this programmed correctly, and if an item is not triggering, I would look into other locked parameters possibly?
also, check firmware, but really stretching it with that one.
good luck. hit us back with more details and progress.
Thank you very much for the responses, your help is appreciated.
So definitely not a firmware issue as I am on the latest version.
What is described above is exactly by yourselves is what I would have expected to happen and in fact what, as far as I remember, has always happened in the past.
My issue is, if start pattern 1 (64/64 1x) with the conditional trigs and let the pattern loop continuously the conditional trigs sound but if I then select the pattern 2, once pattern 1 has finished it’s full cycle (seeing as it’s master scale is set to 64/64 1/4x so always 4 sets of 4) then the conditional trigs don’t sound on the last bar of the 4:4.
Am thinking it might be best to upload a video to showcase what I mean and to help to get to the bottom of it.
1/4th means that the pattern (or specific track within a pattern) plays at a 4th of the bpm. So it’s not playing 4 sets of 4 (if i understand correctly what you meant by that). It’s playing the 64 steps at 1/4th the speed. So that’s 16 bars total. If you have programmed a trig with 4:4 on the last step of the 4th page of the sequence, it will only trigger at the end of 4x16 bars = at the 64th bar.
Yet some people complain you can’t make long sequences in one pattern. Sure you lose some resolution running at lower sequencer speeds but for stuff like chord progressions or triggering vocals/fx/etc that doesn’t matter at all.
So, the issue you’re having is on the last loop of pattern 1 before the transition into pattern 2 only? But it works as expected if you play pattern 1 into pattern 1? How about if you jump from pattern 1 to pattern 3 or an empty pattern?
It is definitely not typical behavior; conditional trigs exist for this reason. it should not happen if pattern in question is 64/64 1x and master is 64/64 1/4.
Let me know if Potr or Davemech said something that fixed this. Definitely alphanumeric soup to a degree and a video (even if shotty) would be helpful. keep in mind that cameras see the LCD screen a lil different than we do.