Connect a random sequencer to Digitone

don’t know any forums but imo you can take a look inside some of the existing M4L devices such as these:

Only Max4Live mentioned here? VCV-Rack is your best friend, when it comes to fill up your digitone with random sequences. It is free, much more user-friendly then Max, and connects very well with the Digitone. You could even buy the HOST-Expander and use overbridge to further process the individual tracks in VCV…

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I just got a Toraiz Squid to pair with Digitone and Medusa. It opens a lot of creative possibilities with randomness everywhere, a lot of different way of reading sequences, modulable tempo with LFOs, step jump to restart a sequence with a finger where you want, ability to freeze the pattern on a step with gate holding, etc… I still use the Digitone sequencer, better to write complete songs but the Squid is far better to jam and improvise a pattern. You have the feeling to really “play” the pattern and you can totally mess it up in a few seconds by changing the way of reading it, putting an LFO on the bpm and deactivate some steps for example…

Maybe someone who is a bit more clued up on iOS can confirm: could you connect an iPhone or iPad via USB/camera connection kit and make use of generative sequencing apps? I can’t test just now but had always intended to try using Xynthesizr’s sequencer in this way, for example. I’m sure there are relatively simple apps that emulate Turing Machines…or even algorithmic sequencers that generate ‘piano motifs’…before we even get to more complex and multi-featured things like Drambo.

This works fine and have done it a few times. As long as you configure the midi appropriately within Xynthesiser.

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I agree with mo1806,
VCV Rack + Digitone is a very inspiring combo for generative sequences, it’s easier than max/msp… but I also really like using the Digitone with max as well.
In this VCV Rack patch I used 4 CV to Midi sequencers to control the Digitone.
I’m going to continue exploring this combination.


I use an Oxi One to sequence everything but with my Digitakt and Digitone they do their own thing at the same time - ends up being a combination of sequencing!

Just a quick noodle in the sounds thread but in this there is a pad and a melody externally sequencing T1 and T2 with me playing an arp on T3.