Controlling scenes with midi?

Set lowest value on BSP (0), or press corresponding pad.


Each performance pad has its own CC# and values 0-127 control how much each performance pad is turned on.

As long as you can assign a cc to each pad you should be good to go.

(In case you’re still wondering)

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Cool done thanks a lot Man


is it possible to RECEIVE midi from pad performance pressure/ scenes? I can’t seem to get it to work outside of chromatic mode.
I was hoping I could be in performance mode, then map the CC output from pad pressure to some things in Ableton :slight_smile: use the RYTM as a performance controller for everything!

Also - it’s a shame Scenes don’t send out any info like Perfs - does this mean we can only record perfs but not scenes into Ableton? :frowning:

How exactly would I go about setting this up with the OT and the Rytm? I’ve checked the manuals and messed with the channels and ccs relentlessly. I have trigs set up with velocities between 1 and 12, but how do I send them “on a cc”? Do I have to send an LFO with specific ranges to that cc? Also, which midi channel should this be happening on?

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Found it, my CCs weren’t actually activated via FUNCT + KNOB. I haven’t used the midi side of my OT a lot so I’m figuring it out haha

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Hey thanks, didn’t find this anywhere except here, over six years later, and now my Squarp Pyramid is setting scenes like a champ. Thanks again!

I am looking for the same thing, but in other direction - be able to control other gear with AR scenes.
Do you know if it is possible to send AR’s Scenes MIDI as, let’s say, aftertouch for Syntakt? Or maybe you know better idea on how to make Syntakt respond to AR’s Scenes MIDI