Cool hardware audio processing units

This is more like a dual mono processor than a stereo processor but still… the demos of the mono version sound wonderful for distortion and gain.

I’m a huge fan of Retro Mechanical Labs. I have their 432k Rev2 Distortion pedal. And oh my…is it wonderful. Everything is custom made and I can confirm their products sound great.

Here’s a version of the mono pedal in action.


i have a scooper and torcido for sale …
i never bought bitrazor as i thought bit reduction is fine via DT , Octatrack etc , built in options .
demora sold last week.
i’m trimming down my modular things though they are also good desktop modules too.

mod duo / mod duo X and zoia look interesting , organelle looks good too , but i already have axoloti and nord modulars , and various fx units that dont get used a lot.

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Well well well…

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I had a lot of fun running a weird DIY VCO box I found years ago at random on eBay with a pair of outputs into the comb filters of both an ESX and and EMX, then sequencing the gated external inputs – and then putting that all through the various built-in delays, reverbs and grain shifts. It all ended up sounding something like Coil in their glitchy phase.

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Oh, DUDE! That’s my era right there.

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I mostly use effects pedals to process my hardware gear. Strymon Deco goes on most thing, plus the El Cap delay… I’ve recently been having fun with the Red Panda Tensor and Montreal Assembly 856 to Zellersasn.

I know Hainbach uses a Gotharman Transformer. I really want one for smashing signals to bits but they’re a bit pricey.

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That’s an awesome recommendation! Goes on my wishlist.

My fx right now is:

  • AH, distortion and filter both heavily used, love it
  • Eventide Space, highly recommended
  • EHX Deluxe Memory Man + Stereo Pulsar tremolo, had the Memory Man lying around, added Pulsar for pseudo stereo
  • MD UW live sampling the input and chopping it up, cool glitchy effects there

I’ve toyed with my MM as an fx unit but didn’t yet arrive at something I like to use. Needs more experimenting.


‘Some things juicy to spice up your gear’ but not all stereo but ‘mega’ FUN!

Ms 20 esp in
Electribe Emx1 audio in to graindelay, comp, filters,…!
Koma Field Kit FX
Korg KP3 or circuit bent KP1!
Tape Delays/echos, reverbs, loopers, crushers, shifters, distortions,…
our Belgian to be proud of: Sherman filterbank!
Analog Four audio in
Lyra 8 (fx)
WMD Geiger Counter Pro (for the noisy artist)
Nord Modular G2 (build ‘almost’ anything you imagine)

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I’m glad I wasn’t the first to mention euro!

$$$$ & $$$$

Ive been thinking about putting together an effects euro skiff.

Modules I’d consider using

Intellijel Rainmaker
Erica Synths Black Hole dsp 2
Strymon Magneto
Intellijel Springray 2

I’m tired of the eventide h3000 is so expensive, and the ensoniq dp4+ is hard to get at a good price.
What are you guys go-to multieffects, that can do lovely, lush and crazy stuff?

Might be useful

How about an ASR10 rack?

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Boss SE50/70 can be had pretty cheap and have a lot inside them that can get crazy. The caveat: it’s not hard to edit, but pressing buttons isn’t the most fun. Also need an obnormal power supply, so if you spring, make sure it comes with its brick.

I got both off gumtree uk last year.
I got some nice results using vocoder and distortion on se70
I wish they had easy tempo sync though instead of using ms .

I also go cheap digitech studio quad mk2 , seems flexible but I do tend to stick with built in rytm / elektron fx or mangle on iPad for octatrack stereo fodder

these are sort of my would be nice to have, but probably won’t own for a long time list of audio processing units:

( no particular order this is just my own taste also warning: abusing bullet points :rofl:)

  • louder than lift off silver bullet
  • zahl eq1
  • blackbox hg2
  • elysia mpressor
  • rodec restyler
  • akai mfc42
  • vertice filterbank
  • jomox moonwind
  • overstayer saturator / modular channel
  • oto biscuit
  • bricasti m7
  • eventide h9000
  • ursa major space station
  • SSL fusion

The Digitakt/SP404 videos on YouTube are pretty inspiring. Looks like that could be a great combo, particularly for effects.

VCV rack. Rings into rings and into a double clouds into the erbe verb clone and into the buchla 29e and back into a rings - all out to the monomachine, ha.


Midiverb II, Bloom presets. You’re welcome.