Couple of ideas please

Since I’ve finally maxed out all income streams I’ll have to start focusing on gear I do have. I want to bring the dreadboxes into the setup to interface with the modular.

  1. How to secure Nyx and Erebus on top of speakers like this. I have a few thoughts:
  • Don’t, it’s a silly idea because of speaker vibration
  • Do, but add some isolation foam. But that stuff is pretty spongy. Doesn’t feel too secure for my discontinued, hand built, getting relatively rare synths! This could also make them level with the Euro case though.
  • I have pedalboard Velcro that would do the job (but no isolation then)
  • Make some little shelves. However the wall behind is more vertical sand than plasterboard these days. And I had been thinking of a longer shelf above the euro case if anything.

  1. I love my Erebus mk1, but it’s standout green in a sea of black gear. How can I make it grey/black yet still have the labelling visible? Some kind of vinyl wrap maybe? I don’t think anyone (Styleflip etc.) makes skins for Erebus.

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Good shout, I’ll just put my Raybans on! :sunglasses:

Also, I don’t know all the measurements there, but there’s bound to be an IKEA bookshel setup that’ll accommodate your needs.

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Embrace the green of the Erebus.

Perhaps think of it as rot or mold, and engage it with that mindset.

You want it and the Nyx to be close to your modular. I would find somewhere else for the speakers.

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Toxic waste, I like the idea :radioactive:

I wish there was somewhere else/more space for the speakers or anything, but sadly not. Mostly I’m using headphones anyway so maybe potential vibration isn’t a huge issue.

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…puh…u got a difficult producing corner there…

and placing the greeks on the speakers is defenitly no good idea…no matter how u arrange the details to avoid all the obvious problems…

easiest solution i see here…u still got the lowest compartment in the modular rack left free…
and since there’s still more space left in it, even if ur budget plans start to grow again, that lowest space can still host the greeks…

on some simple wooden board, with velcro, and some vertical wooden stamps in the back so that u can pull it out without dropping the whole shelve…so the can “slide” in and out always as u need it…
placing the gear beneath with some steep angle at their wallfacing end towards u, so that u can handle, see and read them better anyways…

and erebus in white on black…?
take a picture of the frontplate…scale it…turn into black and white…invert the colours…print it out on a sticker page…standard in every copyshop…cut out the knobs…pull them for once…stick that copysheet on the surface…place the knobs again…and ur good to go…

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Cheers for the responses. Also (maybe) - small wooden storage cubes under the speakers to hold the dreadboxes, speakers on top with their isolation foam. Disadvantage - tweeters go above eye level…
I’ve been meaning to lower the shelf everything is sat on by 5cm or so too, but honestly that seems like a lot of hassle to go to just now!

If you slide the Octa and Rytm all the way over to the right, can you free up enough space on the left to fit the Nyx? That seems preferable than putting it on the speaker, because of the reasons you listed but also just usability— it’d be tough to patch/tweak if it was delicately mounted somewhere.

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…it’s all pretty sub optmized…accousticly…either way u turn it…

since ur extremely corner placed with the whole setup…

how about the ceiling?..any options to skrew in there…?

since ur monitoring is placed this way really bad for any kind of reference…
and speakers love to swing free in their vibrating nature…

so another plan could be, to let them hanf from above…in some kind of “perfect” angle to ur listening/working position…
u would loose a lot of energyeffort this way…which is, accousticly speaking, a great thing…
with some little construction even free adjustable, depending on sometimes u stay, sometime u sit…which is also a great thing for u stayin’ “healthy” during longer worksessions…

aaaand that would open up the whole place…and ur greeks can take a seat at the former speaker positions, since they hang way further form above facing to u anyways in angle…

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I can, and have done that with other gear in the past. I might end up doing that again just for simplicity.
But, I like the current uncluttered desk, with OT, Rytm only on from row at lot - focuses my attention on them as centrepieces. And getting the dreadboxes in the vertical plane would avoid the inevitable trailing patch cables!

Yeah it’s great to keep things focused and uncluttered, I hear you there. Maybe the solution is to only have a few things set up together at a time — use the space to build mini setups, swap things in and out at your leisure? That’s kinda how I treat my gear, I don’t have much more space than you. It’s a cool jam corner however you end up using it!

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I’ve made my own simple shelve like this. Could it be done on one of your sides?


That’s a good idea! I’ll think on ceiling mounts for speakers. I would never use them to try to mix or reference anything as they are. Better with headphones in this arrangement. I just use the monitors for when I want to crank out some volume currently!

Indeed I’ve thought of this, I should do it. It’s just the pain of recabling etc. that puts me off and the fact I’ve got everything fitting so nicely already.
Of course the real solution is removing the wardrobe that’s in the way, and making a big L-shaped desk, but THAT discussion with the other adult in the house is not going my way at all!!

@alf.veland Yes, I’ve actually thought of mounting them on the side of the wardrobe (see below)!


Another thought — I have something like this in my space (just a keyboard stand and a table surface on top) that makes for a really flexible addition to your main studio setup. It’s easy to move around without having to shuffle actual huge pieces of furniture, and it’s super useful if you take your stuff elsewhere to jam and need a surface to set up on.

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if you don’t use the dreadbox synths all the time (or maybe even if you do), what about mounting them to VESA arms that swing out of the way? they could even be on one arm if you attach a mounting plate to a piece of plywood or something. i’m going to do something similar to mount my digitakt and a couple of other things.

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