Crap file system, what am I missing?

I can’t figure out the crap file system on the Analog Rytm. In order to get to particular folders I have to turn the unit off and start over, this can’t be right.

I followed the instructions on page 48 of the manual, and my flow went like this:

Go to “Global” -> “Sample” -> get to “View Ram”.
hit “yes”, you get two options “Factory” and “Incoming”, choose “Factory”.

I get a list of 10 folders, “Cymbals”, “Effects”, “Extra”, “Hihats”, “Kicks”, “Percussion”, etc. etc.

I choose “Percussion”, I get a list of samples, and now I am stuck in hell.

From here I cannot get back to the list of 10 folders.

If I click left, I get “View Ram”, and “Upload Here”, but choosing “View Ram” does not take me to “Factory” and Incoming" as it did before, it takes me to
a list of “Kicks”. Hitting “No” to back out of any folder takes me to the start, but starting over only ever returns me to the “percussion” folder.

I can only get to the 10 folders of sounds by turning the unit off and starting over.

This quite frankly is a piece of shit file structure and browsing system.
What nugget of information am I missing?

When your in a folder, the very top line with …, will take out into the previous destination.

Hey thanks, that is exactly what I was missing! Totally appreciate the tip.

I can back out of directories, and that is a relief, although I am still confused as to where I am at any given screen! Will scroll around and take notes although I wish I didn’t have to.

I can audition samples in some screens but not others, which seems strange. I might want to audition them in my project to see if I should ditch them.

I’m going to ditch any sample I will never use to make space for ones I will.

Haven’t yet used an agogo in my life, and if I did, would probably go for a 727 one that has sentimental value. .

Thanks again for the speedy reply.

coming from Win3,11 … I must say, I would have wanted to see a simple tree structure!

I think Function + Left/Right works too.