Cre8audio East Beast & West Pest

Yo - no idea if it is the same on the west pest, but just got around a similar issue on the east beast by sidelining the built in VCA by patching the filter out into my VCA audio, and then the env out into my VCA cv in and it works like a charm now. Seemed like the built-in VCA wasn’t getting the vol env trigger or something :confused:

I know the west pest has a different order of operation though so not sure just how applicable this is for you (if you havent sent it back already)…struggling to find much troubleshooting online so thought i would throw it in for future googlers anyhow on the offchance.


Thanks for the suggestions. I gave up and sent it back. Shame really because, had it worked, it was pretty much spot on what I wanted. Though it has got me drawing up shortlists for a proper modular system so silver linings 'n all that…

same thing is happening to me. i guess i will try a bit longer and if there is no quick fix i will just send it back. its a total shame since the sound is very unique. but nowadays you cant have shitty midi implementation.

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I’m both relieved and saddened to learn that I may not be alone in finding the WP unusable with MIDI controllers. I’m relieved because hey! It’s not my fault/user error. I’m sad though because the West pest and East Beast could have been game-changers (all that eurorack goodness in the one, sub £300 box) but they clearly put 0 effort into ensuring that the thing worked before dropping it on the market. I’m also sad that not one of the many gear youtubers who “reviewed” the WP/EB noticed this massive fault in the product.

Just checking that I understand the problem, because I’ve got both, but haven’t used with a midi controller yet…

Is it that the note hangs when using midi? So there’s no off message received from the controller?

Yup. Pretty much.

MIDI Note ON, Velocity = 0 (Zero) — msg 0x9n
MIDI Note OFF — msg 0x8n


I tried to replicate this issue without success. Used Mono Station and some random midi adapter and WP responds exactly as I thought it would.

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the plot thickens

Here’s a demo of the West Pest. East Beast will follow, soon.

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Such nice bass out of the WP, sounds great at 4:55

Cool video I found. Drums aren’t from the West Pest.

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I encountered exactly the same issue. Weird thing is it only occurs when I trigger West Pest from Digitakt — the note hangs and LFO cycling can be heard quite clearly. Switching the hold mode on and off stops the signal. When I do exactly the same from Microfreak there is no problem at all (although there is still this low level background hum that might be cable issue or something that’s inherent to West Pest’s nature). I tried different MIDI cables, different MIDI channels but the problem persists. Seems to me like there might be some software issue with trigger signal from certain MIDI controllers and that might be hopefully solvable with firmware update.

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Exactly the same for me but with the Digitone keys and the west pest. Tried the keystep and the same happened when playing. For some reason I couldn’t sequnce from the keystep. I’ve sent mail both to cre8audio and pittsburgh modular but no answer yet. Will probably send it back to the retailer.

It’s a bummer because I really liked the sounds.

We’re closer to nailing this. What is the difference in the MIDI that is sent ?

As i posted above there are two very different MIDI sequences that can be used for a note off. But that was only a guess on my part as to a cause.

I was thinking about that and maybe it has to do with how Microfreak implements aftertouch — it’s a weird keyboard after all. So, it’s actually possible that Microfreak gives West Pest a lucky break. Need to test this in the evening.

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Ok, Microfreak’s aftertouch doesn’t seem to matter, it is not recognized by West Pest.

But I noticed another thing with Digitakt: Using only as sequencer and controlling West Pest that way does not trigger the problem. On the other hand, using trig keys somehow causes double trigger of West Pest — first on press and second on release. (Again, no such problem when controlling Microfreak from Digitakt.)

So, my conclusion is, that West Pest somehow interprets trig release as new trig and expects trig release which never comes. Thus it keeps droning.

Tagging @Cre8audio, hopefully this info will be helpful in resolving this issue. (I also submitted a ticket earlier today although without this additional insight.)


Good work !!

Is the second “trigger”, a Note On with velocity of ZERO ? That’s used as an alternative to Note Off message sometimes. If the second “trigger” ( i assume you mean a Note On msg 0x9n ) is anything other than Zero, then it’s an error of the sender.


Got an answer from crea8adio yesterday. They think I have an old OS and need to update. I’ll hopefully have time for the update today.

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