Cre8audio East Beast & West Pest

In which case they must have hired someone from Pittsburgh to man their Superbooth stand and talk to interviewers :man_shrugging:

The companies cooperate and work together.

I initially dismissed this outright when I saw the panel and shortcut festival but, damn, that price is absolutely sensual. Worth a spin maybe.


Well are they the same people or different people make your mind up :joy::joy:

This is the guy presenting at Superbooth, from Pittsburgh, who also makes things for cre8, and is wearing a cre8audio t-shirt in the sonic state video.

In my book that’s the same people.

No personal attacks please.


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Two of them would be cheaper than some complex oscillators. And this isn’t something cooked up overnight. They’ve been tweaking that oscillator and filter for a decade now.


The guy in that photo is Richard Nicol who is one of the main chaps from Pittsburgh Modular and if you look back through their youtube channel you’ll see him all the way through-out. He’s also the fellow in the SonicState video. My understanding is that for the Cre8audio collaborations, that Pittsburgh Modular do the designs and Cre8uadio are doing the manufacturing etc. So, I guess that big Rich is doing the presentations at Superbooth… I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone from Cre8audio in any videos so who knows what they look like? As for the designs… I don’t think there is any clarity for who has done the art - could be either or neither…

I’m not sure I’ve helped clear things up so I’ll just finish by saying that I think Richard is really cool and I’d buy him a pint if I bumped into him in the pub in my provisional home town.

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They also have no presence… anywhere. It’s basically just a name and a website. They don’t even design their own end cheeks (I’m still trying to work that one out).

The only human presence they have is Pittsburgh. It’s almost like they’re the same people.

Conspiracy I say.


Richard has said a number of time on his streams that there will be many products from PM this year - if chip supplies are there - in addition to the work they’re doing with Cre8audio.
Including a massive v2 of the Voltage Lab, new cases etc


it would actually be really funny if Cre8audio and PM were the same people and they just use the Cre8audio name to do fun stuff that is different from the PM work :slight_smile:

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I mean that’s kind of what it seems like doesn’t it? Even their about page is vague about who they are. I think it’s just a marketing company :male_detective:‍♂

I wonder if it’s too late to get someone at Superbooth to grill them journo style :joy:

for tiny companies in eurorack it makes a lot of sense to team up where it helps both companies - buying larger quantities means lower prices etc, and there are other areas where two or more companies could help each other out.

Even going so far as attending trade shows and selling the gear for you, at £215 a pop. How much can Pittsburgh be getting out of that? It’s kind of fascinating to me.

(Sorry everyone I’ll stop the distraction now… back to the synths!!)

Right, I’m more interested in this now after watching the Superbooth video. Clearly someone needs to make a replacement faceplate or a decent sticker overlay, but this is great value for Pittsburgh Modular filter and synth voice.

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This sounds really good. I don’t care so much about the faceplate but until I heard it in action I thought it was going to be easy to ignore.

I really don’t need this but damn it sound good and I’ve always wanted something from Pittsburgh Modular.


The Microvolt is a beast of Synth very underrated


They are not the same people

The bastard child of SV-1

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I think we’ve moved on from this hair-splitting debacle now.

We have agreed they are ‘different people’, but also ‘the same person’.