Creating Isochronic beats

Wise move, since those links change from time to time. And it might not be a great look for Elektron to be hosting links to pirate sites.

Also, if you can’t figure out how to work the digital five-finger-discount, you might not be ready for these mind games.

Isochronic means it’s in balance with your body fluids. It gets to your thirst fast.


Trying a couple new things on this track using the above techniques.

Would love to hear what you all think of the track:

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It was a lovely calming way to start my day whilst listening to it , thank you :pray:t3:

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New Jam to Chill to and find your center :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for the kind words and taking the time to enjoy the track.

I’ve compiled a Playlist of tracks using Isochronic and Solfeggio techniques on my Soundcloud page. Have a listen if you’re into this:

Thanks in advance for listening.


Can you elaborate on what you mean here?

From what I understand, they are different frequencies you can tune your instruments to. I followed the examples in the video overview I posted earlier in the thread.

Maybe it’s all psychosomatic, I am not sure, but using the frequencies in the tracks i’v created this week has made me very productive. I hope the enjoyment of the tracks is carried thru to the listener :slight_smile:


I also created a track using binaural beats mixed with an extract from Arthur Miller’s “All of my sons” in Greek.