what is (in your opinion) the best monosynth to get creative/interesting rhythmic sounds?
I’m in the market for something new to make some abrasive electro type tracks.
Norand Mono?
I’m really not even trying to be an Elemtron fan boy but the A4 without question. You get four voices at once as well.
Dreadbox Typhon
Any good sounding monsynth through a rhythmically sidechained gate with a dub style delay, grain processors, and varying amounts of saturation/distortion.
‘Best’ is purely subjective and there is no single answer that can be called correct.
Moog Dfam as @Aksdnt mentioned.
Norand Mono as @highstandards mentioned, which also seems like a very fun machine for all sorts of sounds.
Bastl Kastle Drum.
Novation Bass Station II, especially with AFX mode.
Here’s Perplex On jamming on it:
Lyra + sampler
The Arturia Minibrute 2S is great for creative rhythmic patterns with its built in sequencer and 2 user-assigned modulation lanes. It has a reputation for being abrasive, though I manage to get plenty of smudgy moog goodness out of it. It also has the patch bay for extra creative possibilities. Great value for the $$.
Pro3 would get you there
Im so happy with my norand!
Thought about a nifty case und build my own, but nah…. I resist spaghetti synth
Obligatory Matriarch post. To me its the most fun I have had with a mono synth (yes its got paraphony but so do other mono synths like the Subsequent 37).
I dont own a BS but whenever I play one at my local synth store I have a fun time. Sounds big and I like the layout.
I guess a good question for the OP would be if a $2000+ Investment to cover their monosynth needs is feasible or warranted. There are many options for much less that sound great. If money is no hurdle then there are a few synths I could recommend with very good reputations for quality sound and brand recognition.
This says Norand Mono to me.
Norand Mono.
2 lfos 2 looping envelopes, per step sequencer automation = Sub 37.
My instant thought would be the Sub37 for the same reasons @Microtribe said.
The Arturia Microfreak covers a lot of ground and fits with what the OP is after too.