
Yeah it was pretty difficult to buy crypto early on wasn’t it? I was trying to buy in 2010 but gave up, only a small amount, but would have been a lot now, oh well, I’m not too money/investment driven so not too bothered.

I still don’t know where to buy… in fact I signed up on one platform I got “recommended” which closed recently (and would have taken my BTC with them if that mail was filtered as spam / used their online wallet).

Coinbase works for me.

Edit: probably not the best, but for an idiot like me just playing with low amounts it works.


You can plant a tree and invest in crypto at the same time. Investing in anything makes sharks with more money richer and richer, but that does not mean you shouldn’t invest in anything. If you believe the inefficient centralized financial system, with numerous middle-men, we’ve traditional used is better for the environment, I disagree.

You can do all of these things and still invest in crypto. Having an interest in crypto shouldn’t mean the end to these things.


xrtpyo gives me anxiety. i have relative peanuts in the game but still I can tell its not amazingly good for my health :sweat_smile:

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No worries, I agree with you on this.
But I don’t agree that investing in bitcoin is the way to change anything about the financial system.
All monetary gains with bitcoin are still based on fiat currency.
Bitcoin right now IS a fiat currency.
I can’t offer a solution though.

I think ETH projects, which depend on BTC, will bring great change to the financial system within the next few years.

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I just heard this chap on BBC Radio 5Live who accidentally threw his hard drive away in 2012 with £213million worth of Bitcoin on it. He has offered Newport District Council numerous offers of 10%-25% of it’s worth to go and scavenge the local landfill. He claims he has the approximate co-ordinates of the hard drive within the land fill site and at the current value, he is offering Newport Council £52odd million pounds! They have denied him permission on Health &Safety grounds numerous times.
This story was off the back of the American entrepreneur who has made 8 unsuccessful attempts at his password. He has two remaining. If he gets them wrong, he loses them forever!
Terrifying shit!


I sold a good chunk of mine back in 2014 to buy a dj controller!

For noobs Coinbase is a safe bet. Avoid trading if you can as it takes lots of time and crypto never sleeps!

For the long term consider making regular small monthly buys to even out the volatility. This is known as ‘dollar cost averaging’ and well worth a google.

There are 1000s of scams out there so be cautious!


Few days more until NYAG Tether document dump day! Buy yer popcorn.

coinbase in the past. now paypal will let you buy bitcoin and eth. coinbase will give you access to more choices. might be same amount of work to setup. Both will require photo id, etc.

If you really see it as a gamble, I’d do the following:

half in hex (
half in axion (
stake both for a year

The problem is buying those will be a lot more work. You need to buy eth first (which sometimes means you have to buy bitcoin first. I think you can now buy eth directly on paypal). you’ll likely need to install metamask (browser extension) to then buy the hex and axn with your eth. Setting up metamask is worth it though because you’ll need it to buy mosts newer, riskier alts.

If you feel like you’ve missed the boat on bitcoin, those two are the way to go.

hex has the better community (check the telegram - extremely active) but it is already at one cent so it’ll be harder to get huge, huge gains. axn is under a penny ($0.0002 USD currently). Riskier but you can buy huge amounts for cheap and hope for the best (again - a gamble). axion is a clone of hex with various complaints about hex “fixed”. I don’t see axn as a long term success but I do think it could get to .005 or .01 cents based on people buying it because they missed out on hex.

again look at both as money you are throwing in the trash possibly.

buying btc and eth may give you nice gains (2x, 4x) but if you want a shot at huge gains you need to buy massive amounts of something that can still make huge multiple gains.

buying both btc and eth are good safer bets. if i was forced to buy one only i’d go with btc. btc has turned into a store of value (ie. gold) - it will never be used to process live transactions. eth aimed at fixing that but may die under its own weight.

Gold, hmm. I have a few grams.
I wonder what will happen with the value when fiat currencies collapse (who knows?) and no one will be able to cover their crypto investments with them… will people start buying platinum, rhodium, gold, etc. with BTC?

Yea, I use PayPal, basically taking the money I get deposited into my PayPal account from selling sample packs, patch packs, and the like, and turning it into cryptocurrency.
This way any gains I get are ones I wouldn’t otherwise get.
And any losses aren’t really felt.

We’re not talking about much. Maybe $6 every couple days. Some weeks are good, some weeks are not.
My day to day financial picture wouldn’t feel any different if that wallet lost most of its value. In the couple months I’ve been doing it, it’s only appreciated. So occasional losses (so far) are just losses of gains, not losses of deposits.

I have no interest in putting my “real” money into Crypto. It is too volatile and I am not comfortable with the level of risk.

There are other mechanisms you can use to do something similar, if you are not selling a few digital products or similar. Apps that will round up your purchases and set the difference aside. I wonder if any of them can be automatically set to put the difference into crypto for you? :thinking: There’s an idea.

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Mined 3 Lite coin back in the day and still holding. Plus bought 2 LTC. Hopefully they moonshot one day.

I shouldve listened to my mate at the start of the btc . He was into it when BTC around $30-50. Dammmm… Coud’ve bought 10 back then easily, instead I prob spent cash on partys and techno.

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Haha I feel like everyone has a story like this. Can’t beat yourself up about it!

so is your mate now a trillionaire?

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That is a sensible approach, unfortunately I think only paypal US allows crypto currently, bit of a bummer.

Indeed, yes, for now.

We plan to expand this service to select global markets in the first half of 2021.”

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Nah man…He sold all his to buy a pc. Think he got about £700 for them. I like to remind him he couldve been retired now.