
hilarious. might be a bit niche, I’ll auction it off on elektronauts :joy:

nah its some ghetto bsc sh1tcoin that died on launch yesterday.

bsc is a wasteland of overnight 100x’s hidden in a sea of rugpulls n scams. just the way I like it. :laughing:

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We should endorse the ENautCoin, or short ENC,

It would be absolutely amazing.

I’m wondering what is necessary to create a new coin… given the 1000+ coins on the market, it seems to be just the announcement and/or a slightly different variation in code if any…


Pump and dump ENautCoin, get rich quick, get out quicker yeyeye!

“My fellow Elektronauts, today an amazing opportunity is manifesting in front of your fingertips…”



not sure what exactly is necessary but a lack of scruples / moral compass helps, it seems

to be honest, there a well known blockchains out there with a use in real world manifested in a coin for example named Etherum

others seemed to be some sort of university-constructs or a derivation from another well known algorithm

who needs all that stuff? what about security … is it possible to manipulate a blockchain?

Slightly embarrassed to admit it but I bought shib.

I bought some a while ago

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I may be a sucker but I bought some that I’m riding to the moon or the ground. It may not make sense - but what in the current world does? I think there is still room to go up - plenty of people saw a co-worker get rich of doge and are thinking “now it’s mine turn”. I won’t be made if I loose either. I don’t buy lottery tickets or gamble in other things - I think I’m even with those that do if I give this a go.

I wish I would have invested everything I had into the dog coins too. I’m just sitting on cash mostly at the moment. I own one stock though… KPLT

my mate told us about dogezilla when it was 1m the other day. didn’t go for it. its now 400m or something. fuk.

lol :joy:

Don’t worry - it’s not real. This fake money is just a pyramid scheme, or a game of musical chairs. Try not to be the one holding the fake money when the music stops.

But hey, the metaverse is coming, so we can all be fake millionaires living in fake homes with fake furniture.


totally. but if you get in early, and take profits early, and along the way you can make gains beyond your wildest dreams in a matter of days / weeks.
it’s like nothing else. just gotta back the right horse, and get the hell out of there ASAP :joy:

(I say that like its easy… its not, lol)

There are a lot of scams in crypto, and one should be really careful. But writing off the entire space as fake and a scam is showing that you are merely under informed. It is a fascinating space, but certainly bewildering. Jumping in for pure greed and trying to play the market is more likely to backfire than provide gains, I think the real opportunity is not just to make long term gains but especially to learn about financial systems, and hedge against potential doom in traditional markets.

Anybody taking advantage of any of the Black Friday crypto deals? Algorand is 12% off today. :wink:

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I’m waiting for Cyber Monday, in hopes of even better deals.

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I’ve just heard of a friend-of-a-friend who was living off crypto as a sole source of income and who was already in a bad place and has just seen their net worth drop 75% in the past few days, so I thought I’d make a note here to say:

If you’re deep in, I hope you’re doing alright, and if things feel dark, do yourself the favour of talking to a friend, family, or googling a suicide or financial advice helpline - there are people to talk to, and you’re not alone.

Please remember there’s always a way out, there’s always help, and there’s always a path forward :heart:


Back in 2008-2010 it was good, even if i thought it was a scam. Now its a scam basically…

funny thread, i thought it was a scam too. then i took a chance during COVID lockdowns and made more money in a couple years than I have in the last 34 years of walking this earth. thanks for the early retirement :slight_smile:


Genuinely glad for your success, but the success of some doesn’t preclude it being a scam (after all, every scam has at least one winner).

I don’t know either way, but I do know there’s a good few million people right now who took a gamble (that some of them believed was an investment) and it’s gone very south for them.


It’s interesting how you never hear the stories of people that bought at $64,000 6 months ago.