Where ‘’ Current sounds coming from your gear ‘’ takes all its sense.
Digitone pad I’m trying to make.
Just messing around - but I should make a track with it. I’ll let you know.
Great thread! Will have to figure out how to get a clean recording with my phone and share something.
and now for real fun, press play on multiple clips in this thread at once!
Two DT-patterns crossfaded in Live. Trying to be Steve Reich.
Best thread! Messing around with Monomachine
This is the sound I was greeted with when I turned my Erica Fusion System on just now.
Ah yes, sounds hella good.
MKS70 chords/pads, Pro 2 lead. 80s vibe.
I was playing @Fin25’s sound with it and with a little bit of EQ, it’s not bad. It brings dirt to that clean Track. Very good snippet by the way.
Much easier than my idea of loading them into the OT and making a mash up to present as my current sounds.
Intellijel Dixie 2+ into ALM MUM M8 (and some fx).
DFAM + OT + Lyra8 + AH + assorted pedals
Really, it’s all about this TX802 bass preset I can’t get enough of.
Attempting to mimic trigless locks on an Akai Force. Got carried away.
Same set, different bank.
DN, SH101, TR8-S
instant goat thread