Decoupled machines/patterns on OT


The way I’m playing live today is having a backing track (static machine) + 3 neighbour machines + 4 static machine with drum sample one shots to sequence them live. In addition I’m using several MIDI tracks to sequence the Virus.

For now I’m using the Analog Four to fade in leads and drums in parallel in order to get transitions done nicely, but am wondering if I could somehow take over the drums I sequenced on the OT to another bank/pattern (without recording) or if you see any other possibility in the OT to achieve kind of an independency across machines and pattern. I’m quite sure it’s not possible as far as I know the OT, but if you know better or have any other idea other than adding a drum machine to the setup, I’d appreciate your thoughts :slight_smile:

You mean something like pattern copy / paste on the fly without stopping the drum sequence ?
I guess you know the transition trick, which needs recording.

Yes, a copy/paste for specific machines/tracks only and on the fly is what I’m looking for. The transition trick is working for loops only, right? Or is it about to be working for sequences/pattern as well?

Your drum sequence isn’t looped ?
Transition trick will record what you hear.
I guess it’s possible to use the transition trick and copy / paste pattern, and eventually change Part after if you want to change machines / backing track sample…

Unfortunately you can’t copy / paste pattern and part at the same time.

I’ll be simply setting up more drums on the A4 in my next project I guess. But thanks a lot for your input @sezare56

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If you have some midi tracks left, what about sequencing A4 drums with Multi Map and Ot midi tracks, record them in A4 ? :loopy:

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I like the idea :slight_smile: and I usually don‘t fear complexity, but… I like decoupling components to not have to rely too much on each other. Still considering all possibilities in my self finding phase when it comes to my ways of working and I guess this phase will not end very soon :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not sure if it is that complex once you have set your Soundpool. Here is a test with OT + Multi Map, 4 midi tracks with arp, one bar :

I found it quite quick and simpler than soundlocks ! A lot of possible variations.


Yea, maybe not complex but coupled and in terms of sequencing in itself while not considering transitions, I also find it to be very comfortable compared to sound locks espacially when reworking a sequence.

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