Please tell me that there is some way to set multi map ranges by MIDI and I’m so dumb that I can’t find it.
@Void may be?
Please tell me that there is some way to set multi map ranges by MIDI and I’m so dumb that I can’t find it.
@Void may be?
hmmm I believe on the Analog Keys you can define the ranges by pressing keyboard buttons…?
haven’t bumped into a way of doing this on the A4…
the only other way I can think of is by editing the GLOBAL sysex
i’ll put this in my editor if i ever get back round to it, currently sussing the OT, even though this sort of functionality is not really where the fun is for me - i’d be saddened then if the A4 with an external keys attached didn’t offer the same ease of use, albeit without the leds !
I see,