[ Definitive list ] Analog 4/K Sound Packs & more

I’m about to build the Full Definitive Analog Four/Keys Sound Bank as a Patch List (Excel file, Numbers file, PDF file) So yes it will be easy then with Kaleidoscope app (Diff) to know exactly the difference.
Task is in progress : 35% of the definitive list in its current status.

it should come at some point, but it’s not a priority i do that when need to relax/calm my ears. I hope it will be useful for every sound-designer who want to find original name for their patches. And i think @AdamJay will gonna love that too :slight_smile:

I actually take what he said about giving copyright to the original sound designer when a patche is used in a signed track on a EP or whatever very seriously/welcome and i would like to encourage people to go that way. That’s why this list will definitively come.

I think it’s our duty as Artists to take care of each others… Musicians, Sound-Designer… and give credit when using some parts from other people. it’s sharing and collaborate even if we are strangers. If we don’t take care about each others, who’s gonna take care of us :wink: I even realize that more with my recent exchange with @Floppydisk_Pirates Thanks again Man


Thank you… Now I wonder if there’s an easy way to load the factory sounds from the MKII onto a MKI just to see the differences myself. Probably not, I’m thinking.

It’s not that important, it’s mostly a side interest in how Elektron selects factory sounds for their boxes (as I find the factory sounds on the MKI very dated, even in the original year of the machine’s release). Interested to see how their perception of what users will find useful or tasteful may or may not have changed over the years.

Analog Four MKI& MKII

Factory Sounds Diff Results ( @grit909 @nutritional_zero)

There is 91 SOUNDS NEW for MK2 users, that MK1 users don’t have.
There is 91 SOUNDS OLD from MK1, that MK2 users don’t have.
There is 421 SOUNDS from the Analog Four library available on Both MK1 & MK2

Edited : 421 sounds and not 423 … As i Found the error it’s in the mk1/mk2 shared sounds : ( There’s 2 duplicates ) POLY BELL / POLLY BELL and MOVING BASS / MOVINGBASS

DOWNLOAD Original table document :

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Found the error it’s in the mk1/mk2 shared sounds : ( There’s 2 duplicates )


Power Pack Bundle by Rek0rder recomended!
384 great patches,lots of vintage sounds in emotion vol.1
The Power vol.3 is my fav, essence of modern electronic techno sounds.
This package totally refreshed my Analog Four.
grab it!

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@prizmunth thanks for comment

Can anyone please add some links to packs for
DNB/ Dubstep

Hi guys,

the list is not up to date!
currently sells my sound patches through via paypal.
in order to purchase one of my sound packs, send e-mail to:


Power PACK TECHNO Bundle (320 Presets) 15 EURO

Power PACK Bundle 20 EURO
(Analog Day Vol1-3) (384 Presets)

Analog Day Vol.3 The Power (128 Presets) 10 EURO

Analog Day Vol.2 EDM (128 Presets) 10 EURO

Analog Day Vol.1 EMOTION (128 Presets) 10 EURO

more info on my YouTube channel:


Have fun :slightly_smiling_face:

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i will update it (i have that on my todo list for every Definitive List i made)
but you are mentioned as sound-designer so people who check you find everything i guess…

hey @William_WiLD are the lowend bass patches located somewhere new? I tried the links on the top post and the file is not found :frowning:

Updated links both on top or here :

Everything ok in the file section by filtering on analog four/keys and scroll a bit on my threads :wink:


Brand new from @Floppydisk_Pirates

Hope it’s the right place to ask…

About tweaking mk1 sounds for use on mk2 A4’s.
Are there know parameter values that can be used, like “decreasing vco by 10%” etc?

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few hints there
(try opposite overdrive values if positive on MKI make it negative by same values on MKII) :

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Thanks for that.

New additions :
http://www.plughugger.com release 3 soundbanks for the Analog Four, i added kick and stabs when i bought it since then he release 3 soundpacks check (new) in the list or his website. There’s also 2 Bass Invaders soundpacks for the AR (Analog Rytm) only the second one is 400 patches for the DualVCO synth engine.

Dark Aether is an ambient soundset inspired by the mellow tones from the 70s and 80s, all the way to modern times with electric keys, moody textures, dark synth strings and synths badly out of tune.

Synthetic Dark Techno is a sound expander with 152 new sounds for the Analog Four / Keys synthesizer and is entirely focused on what its does best: techno and tech house. No basses for traditional pop or housey leads or pianos. Just dark synthetic sounds, textures, drums and noises.

Synthetic Deep House is a sound expansion that combines the sound of Deep House with the characteristic sound of the Swedish analog polysynth, the Elektron Analog Four / Keys. While the soundset draw inspiration from the golden age of oldschool house and classic deep house, the sound of the Analog Four gives the soundset a unique feel and vibe. A bit darker. A bit more analog.

I have to say plughugger is a very nice sound designer you should check it out there’s also VST Synth like Diva, Omnisphere soundbanks

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Does anyone know, where I can find the stock 32 presets from the 1.06

New Addition :

(NEW) Dark Synthesis by Conforce (25€)
Buy it here

(NEW) AETHER by Tom Wolfe ( £5.99 (£7.19 incl. VAT))
Buy it here


( postponed ) Things changed
sorry i need to get back an A4 to finish that. And i don’t know when it will happen to give a date.


Looking forward to it!!

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