Desktop (stereo) filter

I’ve had one and I like the Analog Heat much more.

Don’t forget the classic filter used by disco french house producers back in the day… The Korg MS-20!

Here is a picture of my beloved MS-20M desktop synth :heart_eyes:

It is mono but there is an envelope follower and it accepts VC inputs => the perfect companion for my A4

I like to make the LPF screaming like at 1:00 on this track:


I have a Stanton djf-1 which was made by Vermona. Almost identical to the Vermona DAF-1. Smooth and tame, nice on a mix.

I was always interested in the Analog Lab FU-2, but they were a built when ordered, never in full production, type deal.


just wanted to give the guys at erica synths a shout here. I bought a acidboxIII and the thing sounds beautiful. It’s ought to take the cake in this category (stereo, desktop)

been obsessing over finding something good that’s within reach, financially and re: availability. many of my friends swear by the Filter Queen, which are around once in a while… and cheap.

While Vermona was mentioned above, I guess this is their Stereo filter… somehow I’ve missed it before and will prob be picking this one up. Vermona - Action Filter 4

I honestly only really need it to add a traditional filter to my Casio CZ5000 for now… and the personal challenge of working without a laptop.

My gawd that’s amazing haha I have analog heat and was thinking about getting an erica acidbox 3 but was wondering if that’s just too much feature overlap. Amongst all that I was like “I wish I could run a bunch of stuff through my MS20 but it’s the mini.” This is just awesome haha do you think I could get away with patching other synths into the mini? I’m sort of a noob and am accumulating my hardware. I have a TD3, MS20 mini, minilogue xd and the analog heat :slight_smile:

MFB Nanozwerg for the mono list (audio in)?

I’m still waiting patiently for the JoMoX Loop Resonator.


$180-ish is totally reasonable for a stereo analog filter. Filter Queen is great.

Otherwise, a small euro case and a pair of Doepfer A-124 Wasp Filters is a great solution. You just need one more dedicated knob to send CV to the pair. An easy DIY project.
my old MAM WARP-9 filters were Wasp clones and that high pass was something to behold, the way it broke up. Great memories.

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Hoping released mid year. Looks good

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Allen Heath xone 23 or pioneer djm 250. Two stereo Filters and hp Filters as bonus


I have an electrix filter factory and an mfc42…any questions?

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2x Behringer Neutron makes a great Stereo Filter.

Xone:96 (2 svf filters) and AH here. That makes 3 dedicated stereo filters in my live setup and it s awesome.


Well, the Octatrack for sure.

yeah for sure. i put this idea/GAS list item on hold a while ago but i think i landed on the vermona action filter 4.

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I had an Action Filter 4 for some time and was beautiful


made a few sporadic edits to the list above but will slowly sift through the thread later as we have many more great suggestions - didn’t think there were this many devices out there that are not euro rack (i was mainly after desktop units and i guess one rack unit can be place on a desk sans rack)…
vermona action filter seems very tempting in regards to price/versatility

I tell you, I made some chords pads progression on an Nord Lead 2X thru the Vermona Action Filter 4. The filter sweep is so beautiful, can’t stop to turn knobs on AF4. The double filter can make the sound evolve a lot and the non resonant filter make it sure you wont break your ears by playing with it in live.


How would you compare them sonically? If you had to keep one and lose the other, which would you keep and why?

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