Digitakt And Virus Ti in DawLess setup... stable?

From what I’ve seen, TI’s don’t go for much more than Snows if you ignore all the overpriced stuff. I’ve seen TIs selling for less than £600 on eBay in the last few months. You just have to be patient. I’ve never had a snow but the editing experience of the TI should not be underestimated if you like making your own sounds, it’s really well implemented and a pleasure to use. I use VC but still tend to edit from the machine most of the time rather than the plugin. Personally the snow holds little interest to me, if you have little space I can see the point but it sacrifices what I love most about the machine which is the editing experience. They seem overpriced to me in comparison.


Also try setting global to 1
Setting DT midi channels from one to eight and the sample channels 9 to 16. Opposite of default.

I will see if i can replicate when i get home but yeh sonething is a miss. I can select any bank as expected. So i will see what i can find latter tonight.

It will just be a configuration thing.

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I’ve just tried it out and the Virus does actually use MSB (the Elektron Bank Setting) so ignore what I said about CC32. It’s working fine here with Sequencer mode and the TI. But the other stuff still stands, Bank change only happens when program change is changed and it will only be sent once unless stopped and started.

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Yeh the stop start thing is what im exeriencing.
I have a sub 37 plugged in and i noticed just a few days ago that im getting the same thing with presets. Gonna try the parameter lock thing and see how i go and report.

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Its great but a full desktop would be better. I can easily start the snow voice stealing if i push just 2 of the 4 voices with fxs and unison…if you can get a desktop ti that will offer more voices.
More outs and more hands on control.

Thanks @Adam9 and @Kosmology

That helps a lot knowing that bank change is only sent when there is a program change.

@Adam9 I’ve changed my setup so that I’m using Global channel 1 on the Virus, on the DT I set Prog Change Channel to 1, and have DT 1-8 set to MIDI ch 9-16 and DT MIDI A-H set to MIDI ch 1-8. I’m in Sequencer Mode. I still get this strange behaviour:

Setting bank 1 on any DT MIDI channel results in RAM 1 on the Virus
Setting bank 2 on any DT MIDI channel results in RAM 3 on the Virus
Setting bank 3 on any DT MIDI channel results in RAM 5 on the Virus
Setting bank 4 on any DT MIDI channel results in RAM 7 on the Virus
Setting bank 5 on any DT MIDI channel results in ROM 1 on the Virus
Setting bank 6 on any DT MIDI channel results in ROM 3 on the Virus
Setting bank 7 on any DT MIDI channel results in ROM 5 on the Virus
Setting bank 8 on any DT MIDI channel results in ROM 7 on the Virus
Setting any bank on any DT MIDI channel above 8 continues to result in ROM 7 on the Virus

I created a new project and cleared all track data on each track and it doesn’t look like there is anything set on any of the MIDI channel’s pages on the DT that would be sending other MIDI so I’m stumped.

Any ideas what might be causing this?

Thanks for you help!

I don’t really understand what you are trying to do.

The important channel is the auto channel for Midi input from a master keyboard which then targets whatever track you have selected on the DT. That’s the only channel that you really need for normal use ie recording midi to the Sequencers. Then on each DT Midi track you use enable the Midi Channel you want to send to, so on the Snow I imagine it will be 1,2,3,4 for the 4 Virus parts. So that’s it, if you set a track to send to Channel 1 it will play the sound on channel of the Virus.

As for all of the Midi inputs in the Midi settings, they are only if you want to use DT as a multi-Timbral box, usually for controlling things like volume & pan from a midi Controller. Personally I have them all switched off and just use the auto channel and a program change channel.

I assume you know you have to enable the Midi channel using Function + Press on the encoder before it displays a number instead of an X. It won’t send midi data until you do that, and the same for all other Midi Controls. Even without any midi input connected just add a few trigs and press play, set channel to 1 and it will work. You don’t have to even think about the Midi Settings to do that :slight_smile:

Would you be so kind as to take a pic of the midi config page of the DT and post it?
Just midi track 1 (h) and the channels and output config pages in settings?

@Kosmology thank you. I get all that and am not having any issues with any of the those particular things. I can sequence the Virus from the DT and I can change programs from the DT no problem. Everything works fine for me EXCEPT that the bank number I set on the DT MIDI channels to send to the Virus do not result in that MIDI bank being selected on the Virus. If you look at the mapping I describe you can see that I cannot currently access RAM bank 2, 4, 6 or 8, nor ROM bank 2, 4, 6 or 8.

As an examples of what I’d like to do, I’d like to be able to select RAM bank 2, program 6. The problem is that if I set the bank on a DT MIDI channel to bank 2, program 6, this results in the Virus playing RAM bank 3, program 6.



Let me know if there I’ve missed any of the settings you think are relevant.

In the last two photos I show that I have set bank 2, program 1 on channel 1 but on the Virus that selects RAM bank 3, program 1.

In all honesty, this is easy to work around if I just store the patches I want to use on the Virus into the banks that I CAN select, but I can’t believe that the behaviour I’m seeing is as designed. :wink:


Oh, I see. Bank messages actually start at zero but for some reason Elektron decided to defy tradition and start at 1, so you always need to add 1 to get the desired number. In maths zero is always the first number,

Oh my God i cant believe i never noticed this!
So i can replicate exactly what you are saying here. I never noticed because i just scrolled through the patches using the DT so it never clicked that the bank numbers didnt line up.

However i can get to the odd bank numbers and even bank numbers.

For example the bank you were after above would be set channel 1, bank 1, program 65…

Gets me to the RAM 2 1-1 next orbit @…patch on my unit.

And i can go all the way through to ROM 8 8-8 by setting the DT to bank 9 program 128

Its weird, but i have to do the same offset with other synths from DAWS…

So…each Bank on the DT scrolls through 2 banks of the Snow.

Eg. Bank 1 on the DT can access RAM 1 1-1 through to RAM 2 8-8…so on and so forth, until you Get the DT to Bank 8 program 128 where you exhaust the number of presets stored in the RAM and flash ROM of the Snow.

If you cant do the above something is a miss…let me know and if you cant access the above send pics of the midi config in the virus page by page. And we can see what is going on???


Aha! You’re right! I just never dialled the program up past 64. Thanks for figuring that out. Quirky, but it follows a pattern and I can now access all the patches on my Virus!!! Thank you so much!

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Actually, see @Adam9 's discovery. Each bank sent from the DT actually access two banks, with the first 64 programs accessing the first one of the two and the second 64 programs accessing the second bank of the two. Weird but totally workable. Thanks for your help!

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yeh… the DT goes up to 11:rofl:

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i just bought one of these on a whim. i wanted something unashamedly digital with multitimbral capabilities. i hope the learning curve will be fairly intuitive as outside the analogue world i’m easily confused. i won’t be using the TI aspect, hopefully mutimode won’t be too much of a headscratch!

It’s as good as it gets in regards to multi-timbral use, it has dedicated buttons for accessing the parts. There’s an important distinction with multis though. The 1st 16 store complete copies of the presets used so there is no need to worry about saving the individual presets. The rest from 17 onwards however reference presets instead the same as most other multi-timbral devices, so if you change the referenced preset any changes you make will need to be saved to the actual single preset too, and any changes you make to that preset will also reflect if it is referenced from a different multi.

There is also Sequencer mode instead of Multi, which just maps across 16 channels simply, and if you use program changes and map volume and pan to CCs on the Elektron it’s easier than managing Multis. You access this by pressing Multi and Single together. Ideal if you just use onboard presets.

Personally I use Virus Control because it makes things very simple in managing the machine state by just saving it with a host project. Since OB2 I’ve changed my working method to be DAW centric for managing and routing all my hardware and so VC makes sense in that scenario.

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thanks for the tip! the 1-16 multi part patches sounds really useful. my biggest gripe with learning synths/workstations is figuring out how to save sounds/ projects, keeping things organised etc. nothing worse than loosing work due to silly mistakes.

with regards to the wavetables can you upload your own? i’m thinking i need to look into all the firmware revisions before i start working

Saving is pretty straightforward, there’s a STORE button which gives all the relevant options though I haven’t used it for a while as I tend to use VC now. I feel the same way about MT management, I’m pretty lazy in that regard, the Virus is certainly the easiest to manage out of everything else I’ve owned in the past.

Unfortunately you can’t use your own wavetables, however there’s a good selection and very unique oscillator modes based on formants and Grains which more than makes up for it. They do come with processing cost though but great to explore.

Check out the official OS4 and OS5 videos for a good overview of the stuff that was added, well worth watching.

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Curious to know if you’ve heard the other Virus synths and whether there’s noticeable audio differences? There a fair bit of hyperbole surrounding all the varying models, with some people claiming the older machines sound better. Typical lol. Curious to know if this is BS or not ?