Digitakt/Digitone with Keystep stand?


I saw a nice wooden build stand for the Digitakt and Digitone where they fit side by side a few weeks ago and just can’t locate it again, it also had space for a Keystep.

Has anyone seen anything like this or just a stand ford for the DT and DN side by side?

I was thinking of making one, but wanted to look at some designs first.


No space for keystep though

I’m also looking for a stand that fits the digitwins. So far I haven’t been able to find anything that lifts them up from the table a few centimeters so that cables from any keyboards or pedals can pass below the digitwins. Its such a small thing, but would make everything much more compact and tidy.
I’m also thinking of sketching a design myself and taking a day or two off to built it in my dad’s garage.

I saw someone using this https://www.amazon.co.uk/JackCubeDesign-Smartphone-Organiser-Computer-Document-Type1-Bamboo/dp/B01NH53BZ1/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=JackCubeDesign+tablet&qid=1630449763&sr=8-1

What do you think?

Thank you! In theory, it is exactly what I’m looking for. The DT/DN are just half a centimeter too deep to fit exactly (17.6 cm vs 17 available space), but since the rubber feet are located a bit more towards the center, I think they would still fit. However, I imagine it to be wobbly and unstable, which some of the reviews also indicate. I think the metal feet of the stand seem a bit too thin to support the weight of two digis without it wobbling around when operating the machines. It’s a pity to seem so flimsy as it comes very close to what I need.

Is this the picture you mean:

I can wholeheartedly recommend the Fonik stands. I have the DT/DN twin set and it’s brilliant. Room for midi and usb cables to go underneath so I can plug my keystep in.

Built like a tank and look ace.

edit to include link

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These look nice. I’d love it if they did ones in natural wood rather than black or grey.

Drop them an email. Alex at Fonik is super responsive and helpful.

Have no idea about their production process but I’d bet he’d try to help.

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Thanks for the recommendation. The fonik stand was on my radar, but it always seemed to me that cables wouldnt fit below it. I already started sketching my own stand design, as I want to include a little tray that holds the power supplies, cables and a midi merger on the backside.

I was going to ask about cabling. I’ve yet to receive my DN to pair with my DT and I will need 2 audio cables to connect the 2 together and a midi cable.

I’d like to get the 3 cables but at minimal length, what length would use suggest?

Are the right angled audio cables better as well?


Might be this company.

You need to log in to see other listings.

I really like their stands. I bought one for a dual Op-1 setup.


You wanna buy from www.mixingtable.com

They’re not cheap. They’re not fast. But they’re the prettiest around, for sure.

I can warmly recommend the cheap 3D printing stands - they are inconspicuous and everything is at the same height, just perfect …

+1. I use these

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If you are planning to put the two digis on an angled stand, angled cables do make sense. 30cm should be just enough to connect the machine without too much access length.

Don’t know if can be considered as a stand, but i’ve seen some people using Templeboards for it’s hole setup and i’m leaning towards that.

There is a lot of space below to arrange cables and modules to put in the sides for cable management. Also there are a lot of sizes for different setups.

Here are two examples that i found really interesting.


Do you have a link to the 3d printed stands?

hey, here e.g. a similar stand is sold for the same price that i paid. i couldn’t find my seller on ebay.

Novation circuit Ständer Elektron Digitakt Digitone oder | Etsyk_EAIaIQobChMI35_6lNrR9AIVb_x3Ch2_wAUxEAYYASABEgKTL_D_BwE_k&utm_content=go_6481804016_73020023970_381092922647_pla-357966777012_c__954297856dede_505648377&utm_custom2=6481804016&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI35_6lNrR9AIVb_x3Ch2_wAUxEAYYASABEgKTL_D_BwE&variation0=1854328975