Digitakt enable latch mode when using track buttons to play sample?

I have not seen this specific question yet.

Is Digitakt locked into one-shot mode when the track buttons are used to play samples?

I love playing freely but it would be ideal if the track buttons worked as latch type triggers as well as one-shot triggers.

Thank you

You can adjust the amp envelope to sustain longer but I haven’t seen a latch mode.

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Set sample to loop and envelope to inf I think ( haven’t used my digitakt for ages. ).

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. Of course! I’ll play around

Loopop has a cool video on YouTube about using the DT to play samples like tape loops… check it out. If I knew how to imbed links from my phone after some stress drinking I’d do it

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Hope the drinking helped with that

Actually, envelope didn’t achieve the result (latch triggering of samples using track buttons)

Have you set the sample to loop? Set it to loop and then open the amp envelope settings.

I was assuming OP is after sample toggling - press trigger once for on, again for off - which isn’t possible on the DT. But i always confuse latching and toggling so i’m prob wrong…

Latch is simulating holding down a key press which could be thought of as toggling on or off…

You can hold a note without actually holding it when you press a trigger button and while holding it you press function then let go.

Hope I understand correctly.