Digitakt LED problem


Playing a live-set recently most of the LED’s changed colour at once randomly in a blink of an eye… Some LED’s are not illuminated at all like the last LED from Pattern length. Global mute also has different colours (blue & red) on steps 6/8/14/16. When playing projects the colours of each button seem to shift and softly flickr too. Some images attached for illustration of the problems.

Digitakt behaviour is still the same, all projects intact and every sound plays etc.

Entered test mode and got the following results

  • No errors found
  • The settings + sample button light up blue in test mode. Is this normal?
  • Pressing trig 1 results in OLED screen to be completely yellow and trig 2 makes it dark. Is this normal?
  • Pressing trig 3 lights up the red leds except 6/14 + SRC + 4:4 page
  • Pressing trig 4 lights up green leds except 3/11 + NO + settings button + all page leds
  • Pressing trig 5 lights up blue leds except 8/16 + TRIG + all page leds + right arrow

I’m currently backing up my projects and considering reinstalling the latest BETA OS. Anyone any tips on getting it back to normal? Thanks for reading!

You unlocked the secret party mode of the digitakt :partying_face:

Sorry, but seriously now, this looks really strange. Good idea to backup your data. I’d submit a support ticket and see what elektron suggest to do.


Yeah audience loved the colour changes during the set :grin:
Submitting a ticket at this moment - thanks

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Is there currently a safe way to backup digitakt patterns? I saw Simon acknowledge on another thread that the back up through sysex was not working.

Because I also heard you can not load sysex backups I’ve been using Overbridge Total Recall to store all projects and patterns.

I know for many this is not an option, but since I have my PC as part of my setup at all times, it was easy to start doing this.

Best regards,


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I know this is a glitch of some sorts but this looks awesome. Too bad you can’t pick your own color schemes like this, that would be so cool, haha.

Care to share your method of using total recall? Backing up projects at the moment with Sysex send C6 but its kinda essential the projects will be reloadable once I’ve reinstalled the OS etc.

I wouldn’t rely on a feature of a BETA software. Even if it works now, there is no guarantee that it works the same way with the next BETA version.

Sure, happy to share what I’ve learned so far…

Existing project on the DT.

I load the project I want to backup on the DT, then add the VST into my DAW and enable Total Recall.

After I enable it, I also turn on “Sync automatically on save”


Then I do a save (or Save As, or Save Version as I use FL Studio)


That’s about it, and when you load up that file in FL Sudio the DT asks this:

The opposite is true when I want to load up an old version of a project, I just load the file, sync the DT then use the Project Menu on the DT to save it as a new Project. I do that if I want to take the DT away from my PC to work on the patterns.

When I create a new one, I have a project on my DT called “Blank”, set it up exactly how I want it, then locked it so that I didn’t write over it by accident :blush: Then when I open a new file in FL Studio I can use Device State.

If you follow that whole thing, I then made a template file in FL Studio with my “Blank” DT project.
So now every project I start in FL Studio with that template has the DT setup exactly how I want it.

Best regards,



Good point, and that’s why I backed up some key projects with sysex (when restore is fixed).

Didn’t they break the sysex restore in the public OS release? Or was that in the beta only?

AFAIK it was/is the BETA which is broken in this regard.

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Many thanks Gino! Going to give this a try.

Ended up sending it back to Elektron for repair. Turned out to be a defective logic board.

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